Version history:
Release notes for version 15.0 - 14th January 2025
New functions in 15.0 and Announcement in blog.
15.0 - 14th January 2025
- Added ImagePlayground functions for macOS Sequoia.
- Added Saxon functions (Preview) to do XSLT, XQuery and XPathQuery in FileMaker.
- Added a sort feature to the plugin for the Show Window list.
- Added Archive.IsOpen function.
- Added Audit.GetIgnoreEmptyFieldsForCreate and Audit.SetIgnoreEmptyFieldsForCreate functions.
- Added Barcode.Version function.
- Added checkbox for custom functions autocomplete.
- Added DataRate as property name for Phidget.SetProperty function.
- Added Dialog.SetKeyEquivalent and Dialog.GetKeyEquivalent functions for macOS to control key equivalents for dialog buttons.
- Added DoBlanksForEmptyText parameter to XL.Sheet.CellWriteTexts function.
- Added DragDrop.GetPathList function.
- Added DynaPDF.CheckEmbeddedFileCheckSum function.
- Added DynaPDF.ConvToFreeTextCallout function.
- Added DynaPDF.DeleteOutputIntent function.
- Added DynaPDF.GetLastTextPosXAbs and DynaPDF.GetLastTextPosYAbs functions.
- Added FileNames parameter for Plugin.LimitFunction function.
- Added flags parameter for Files.AudioTags to request dumping all ID3v2Tags.
- Added formatDescription as selector for AVAsset.TrackInfo to query format description information.
- Added JSON.SetVariables and JSON.ClearVariables.
- Added MinDataInterval, MaxDataInterval, DataRate, MinDataRate, MaxDataRate and isOpen as property names for Phidget.GetProperty function.
- Added more parameter checks for MongoDB functions.
- Added our field picker extension to another field picker dialog in FileMaker, which you see when you duplicate a portal and reassign the fields. This dialog also now gets tooltips for fields.
- Added Plugin.LibExpatVersion function.
- Added Process.LoadFramework function.
- Added Shell.SetMergeErrorAndOutput and Shell.GetMergeErrorAndOutput functions.
- Added StoreKit.LastError function.
- Added StoreKit.SetRequestFailedTrigger function to set a script trigger for an error.
- Added SyntaxColoring.AutoCompleteCustomFunctions.GetEnabled and SyntaxColoring.AutoCompleteCustomFunctions.SetEnabled functions.
- Added Unit parameter to Screen.Height, Screen.Left, Screen.Top and Screen.Width functions.
- Added UTF-8 validation checks to WordFile functions to avoid creating invalid word files with invalid text.
- Added VolumeUUID to Files.DiskInfo function for macOS, iOS and Windows.
- Added XL.Book.GetCoreProperty and XL.Book.SetCoreProperty functions.
- Added XL.Book.RemoveAllCoreProperties and XL.Book.RemoveAllPhonetics functions.
- Added XL.Sheet.ColFormat and XL.Sheet.RowFormat functions.
- Changed custom function auto complete to not add bracket for function name if you are not at the end of the text.
- Changed functions returning CURL errors to mark this as error, so IsError function returns true. This affects CURL.Perform, CURL.FormClear, CURL.FormFinish, CURL.Upkeep, CURL.SendText, CURL.SendData, CURL.PerformAsync, CURL.WebSocketSend, CURL.WebSocketReceive, CURL.SetSocketNonBlocking, CURL.SetSocketNonBlocking, SendMail.PrepareCURL and various CURL.SetOption functions.
- Changed Script ID column for script workspace to be wider and allow more digits to show.
- Changed syntax coloring to keep gray lines gray, broken in 14.5.
- Deprecated Calendar functions. Please move to Events functions.
- Fixed a problem where our mutex handling for DynaPDF would log warnings.
- Fixed a problem with CGImageSource.SetProperty function not passing floating point numbers in automatic mode.
- Fixed a problem with Container.IdentifyData not recognizing a HEIF file.
- Fixed a problem with font handling for XL functions.
- Fixed a problem with text encoding being wrong in an error message with GMImage.WriteFile.
- Fixed a timing problem with DragDrop functions for macOS where not all paths arrived when you had a lot of files.
- Fixed an insufficient escaping for JSON.SortWithEvaluate function, which sometimes caused an internal error and prevented sorting.
- Fixed an issue where custom function auto complete would show Get multiple times.
- Fixed an issue with Path.NativePathToFileMakerPath on Linux adding an extra / to the path.
- Fixed crash in DuckDB client for SQL functions.
- Fixed DynaPDF.GetEmbeddedFile to return checksum as Hex string.
- Fixed Path.AddPathComponent function for Windows to automatically use slash or backslash depending on what the path has already.
- Fixed RSA.Verify function to work better reading private key.
- Improved auto complete for custom functions to delay suggestions, so you can type better without using auto complete.
- Improved auto complete for custom functions to show MBS FileMaker Plugin names.
- Improved code formatting to better handle listings with [] lines like in JSONSetElement.
- Improved JSON.SetVariables and XML.SetVariables functions to work better with multi line texts.
- Improved Math.FormatNumber function to work better with 11 or more digits.
- Improved menu sorting to ignore bracket on the beginning.
- Improved overlay to allow moving window with webviewer for macOS.
- Improved stack printing for Windows to help debugging issues.
- Improved SyntaxColoring.AddContextMenuCommand function to allow them to show in browse and layout mode.
- Improved SystemInfo.OSVersionString to better recognize Windows Server 2019 and newer.
- Improved Time.Format function to return empty result for empty timestamp.
- Improved WordFile.GetProperty and WordFile.SetProperty to work on custom and app properties, too.
- Improved XML.SetPathValue to not create duplicate nodes when finding them using namespaces.
- Increased the column width for script IDs so you see more digits.
- Tuned auto complete for custom functions to not make suggestions when entering brackets.
- Tuned custom function auto complete to not interfere with command-a.
- Tuned formatting of calculations to break behind and/or for long lines.
- Updated curl library to version 8.11.1.
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Updated expat library to version 2.6.4.
- Updated for future FileMaker version.
- Updated LibXL to version 4.5.0.
- Updated mongo-c-driver library to version 1.29.1.
- Updated plugin for Linux to work from Ubuntu 16 to 24.
- Updated ShowURL function for iOS to work again in newest iOS SDK version.
- Updated SQLAPI to version 5.3.5.
- Updated SQLite to version 3.47.2.
- Updated ssh2 library to version 1.11.1.
- Updated taglib to version 2.0.2.
- Updated to Xcode 16.2.
- Updated zlib to version 1.3.1.
- Updated zxing library to version 2.3.
- When logging that you have a ton of objects, we now list the object type and script name.
Release notes for version 14.5 - November 2024
New functions in 14.5 and Announcement in blog.
14.5 - 12th November 2024
- Added Overlay.AddWebViewer function.
- Added Barcode.DetectAsJSON function.
- Added some auto complete for custom functions for parameters and function names:
- Table occurrences
- Field names after ::
- Operator names
- Function names from function list
- Parameter names
- Get/Hole/Obtenir functions
- Added a check to GMImage.Scale to return an error if width or height is > 99999.
- Added a field to database design dialog for tables to show comments. To add a comment, define a field _TableComment and put comment text there.
- Added Audit.BuildCaches function.
- Added CURL fix #15102 to fix a bug with FTP over SSL.
- Added CurrentTimeStamp field to the JSON for FM.TableStatistics, FM.RecordStatistics and FM.FieldStatistics functions.
- Added DynaPDF.ClearLicense function.
- Added DynaPDF.GetAnnotColor and DynaPDF.GetTextBBox functions.
- Added DynaPDF.GetAnnotTextAlign function.
- Added DynaPDF.GetGlyphIndex and DynaPDF.GetGlyphOutline functions.
- Added DynaPDF.Parser.DeleteAllImages, DynaPDF.Parser.DeleteImage and DynaPDF.Parser.ListImages functions.
- Added field comment text to the tooltips in the debugger for macOS.
- Added field comment to the tooltips for the export dialog.
- Added field value and comment tooltips to calculation dialog, script workspace and debugger for macOS.
- Added FM.UpdateRecord4, FM.UpdateRecord5, FM.UpdateRecords4 and FM.UpdateRecords5 functions.
- Added JSON.InsertRecords function to insert array of records in JSON.
- Added List.Intersection function.
- Added Math.Rate function.
- Added MYSQL_OPT_LOCAL_INFILE option for SQL.SetConnectionOption for use with MySQL connections.
- Added sample script into extras to launch two FileMaker on macOS, one with HTTP tunneling on and one with it being off.
- Added SharedMemory.DeleteValue function.
- Added Text.FilterSwissQRCode function.
- Added Vision.RectifyDocument function.
- Added WordFile.GetProperty and WordFile.SetProperty functions.
- Changed Archive.Content to skip GID, UID, Permissions, RDev, FileType and HardLink fields, if not set.
- Changed Barcode.Generate, Barcode.GenerateJSON and Barcode.WriteFile to use 4 as default scale.
- Disabled remembering column widths for FileMaker 21.1.1 since this feature is now built-in to FileMaker.
- Fixed a bug in the Gamutcheck for lcms2.
- Fixed a problem on Windows with shared memory objects not accessible for other users.
- Fixed a problem with Events.Reset with not clearing all cached events, so Events.RemoveEvent function failed.
- Fixed a problem with Preview, MapView, DragDrop and ImageView controls to avoid control disappearing.
- Fixed an edge case with plugin registration.
- Fixed an edge case with swiss keyboard layout for RemoteControl.PressKey function and the virtual key lookup.
- Fixed an issue in Window.PositionNextDialog function for Windows.
- Fixed an issue with GMImage.WriteToPDFContainer and Twain.Acquire on Windows.
- Fixed crash with running Python on Windows.
- Fixed CURL Multi functions, broken in 14.4.
- Fixed SharedMemory.GetValue and SharedMemory.SetValue functions to work with empty values.
- Fixes a crash in Python functions when using older Python 3.9.x version.
- Implemented Process.List for Linux.
- Improved auto complete when you are in the middle of text.
- Improved Barcode.Detect by using newer zxing library.
- Improved Container.ReadImage to read HEIC images on iOS.
- Improved custom function auto complete to cache table and field names.
- Improved DynaPDF.GeneratePreview, DynaPDF.ReadImageResolution, DynaPDF.ReadImageFormat, DynaPDF.InsertImage, DynaPDF.AttachFileContainer, DynaPDF.AddOutputIntentEx, DynaPDF.CreateICCBasedColorSpaceContainer and DynaPDF.OpenPDFFromContainer to return proper error if container is empty.
- Improved error handling for XML.ApplyStylesheet.
- Improved FM.QueryBaseTableNames to use newer API in FileMaker 21.0 and newer.
- Improved FM.TableStatistics function to ignore summary fields.
- Improved JSON.InsertRecord to be a bit faster and data type conversion to do numbers and texts, too.
- Improved script search to include comments.
- Improved styled text conversion on macOS to include better support for highlight, underline and strikethrough, e.g. for RichText.SetFormattedText and Clipboard.SetStyledText functions.
- Improved type detection for FM.InsertRecordCSV function.
- Improved Vision functions to better read HEIC images directly.
- Note: SSLv3 is disabled now.
- Optimized XML functions to better handle thread locking.
- Removed the dependency on VCRUNTIME140_1.DLL file.
- Updated CURL to version 8.10.1.
- Updated discount library to version 2.2.7d.
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Updated for next FileMaker version.
- Updated jpeg library to version 9.6.
- Updated libarchive to version 3.7.6.
- Updated LibXL to version 4.4.0.
- Updated OpenSSL to version 3.3.2.
- Updated plugin SDK.
- Updated SQLite to version 3.47.0.
- Updated to libxml2 version 2.13.4.
- Updated to libxslt version 1.1.42.
- Updated to Xcode 16.0.
- Updated unicode tables for removing accents for Text.RemoveAccents function.
- Updated zxing library to newer branch.
Release notes for version 14.4 - 17th September 2024
New functions in 14.4 and Announcement in blog.
14.4 - 17th September 2024
- Added JSON.InsertRecord and JSON.InsertOrUpdateRecord functions.
- Added JSON.UpdateRecord and JSON.UpdateRecords functions.
- Added JSON.DeleteRecord and JSON.DeleteRecords functions.
- Added Text.Tidy and Text.TidyErrorLog functions to tidy XML and HTML.
- Added XML.Tidy function.
- Added Text.HTMLtoJSON function.
- Added BaseFont as selector for DynaPDF.SysFontInfo function.
- Added BaseFont value to JSON for DynaPDF.SysFontInfoAsJSON function.
- Added ClearBuffer parameter to WebRequest.GetRawData function.
- Added DynaPDF.CreateExtGState and DynaPDF.SetExtGState functions.
- Added DynaPDF.CreateURIAction function.
- Added DynaPDF.GetInEncryptionInfo function.
- Added DynaPDF.TestPassword function.
- Added FieldName entry for FM.FieldStatistics function result.
- Added Flags parameter for DynaPDF.ExtractDocumentText function.
- Added FM.FieldStatistics function.
- Added MongoDB.CursorRecords function.
- Added OptionsJSON parameter for MongoDB.ReplaceOne function.
- Added Python.RunFile function.
- Added shortcut for layout editor to use Command-Option-Shift-F on macOS to jump to the objects search field.
- Added SyntaxColoring.AutoCompleteVariables.SetLocals and SyntaxColoring.AutoCompleteVariables.GetLocals functions.
- Added tooltips for specify field dialog to show field type.
- Added WebHook.GetTag, WebHook.SetTag, WebRequest.GetTag and WebRequest.SetTag functions.
- Added XL.Book.RemovePrinterSettings and XL.Book.RemoveVBA functions.
- Changed JSON.GetArrayItemsAsList to return empty result if JSON is empty.
- Changed linux version to include version number and build number for Get(InstalledFMPlugins).
- Changed plugin to return empty results as really empty and trace to log that as nothing. It makes a difference whether we return nothing or empty text.
- Changed tooltips to show container instead of binary, text instead of varchar.
- Disabled trace logging for MongoDB by default.
- Fixed a bug in FM.FieldStatistics function. Now properly quotes field names.
- Fixed a bug with Matrix.Text function where it would skip some columns if they were constants in SQL used to create the matrix.
- Fixed a memory leak in Clipboard.SetFileMakerData, Clipboard.DetectFileMakerDataType and XML.Import functions.
- Fixed a problem in Files.RenameFile function to rename folders on Windows if the path ended with a backslash.
- Fixed a problem with AVRecorder.AddPreviewWithControl positioning the layer for FileMaker 21.
- Fixed a problem with GMImage.NewFromFile and Japanese characters on Windows.
- Fixed an issue in SyntaxColoring.AutoCompleteVariables.SetGlobals function.
- Fixed crash in DynaPDF.GetFontsAsJSON function for font with missing values.
- Fixed DynaPDF.ImportPDFFile to return proper error message.
- Fixed incorrect returning of result for DynaPDF.SetRenderingIntent, DynaPDF.SetUserUnit and DynaPDF.SetLineWidth functions.
- Fixed possible crashes with Phidgets script triggers.
- Fixed thread naming to avoid renaming main thread.
- Improved Archive functions and UnZipFile.OpenContainer function to better read zip archives downloaded via Insert From URL script step.
- Improved check to XL.Initialize to return an error if the license key includes invalid characters like a space character.
- Improved CURL.GetResultAsEMailList function, so it includes In-Reply-To and References headers if you have them in the query.
- Improved GMImage.ReadContainer to better pick decoder based on file name.
- Improved JSON functions to return error if you pass non JSON parameters to JSON.AddItemToArray, JSON.AddItemToObject, JSON.Replace and related functions.
- Improved MapView.PlanRoute function to use less memory.
- Improved PDFKit.RestorePrintSettings to better read PDF from container.
- Improved Twain.Initialize to return better error messages on Windows.
- Reduced number of dependencies on Linux version of our plugin. Requires GLIBCXX_3.4.26 now.
- Updated CURL to version 8.10.0.
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Updated LibXL to version 4.4.0.
- Updated openssl to version 3.1.6.
- Updated SQLAPI to version 5.3.4 with DuckDB 1.0 support.
- Updated SQLite to version 3.46.1.
- Upgraded all linux compilers to newer versions.
Release notes for version 14.3 - 9th July 2024
New functions in 14.3 and Announcement in blog.
14.3 - 9th July 2024
- Added Python functions.
- Added MQTT example using CURL.
- Added Archive.CompressText function.
- Added CFunction.GetTag, CFunction.SetTag, CLibrary.GetTag and CLibrary.SetTag functions.
- Added check to XL.Initialize and DynaPDF.Initialize to return an error if the license key includes invalid characters like a space character.
- Added CURL.GetMQTTMessages function.
- Added CURL.SetMQTTScript, CURL.GetMQTTFileName and CURL.GetMQTTScriptName functions.
- Added Dictionary.GetTag and Dictionary.SetTag functions.
- Added DragDrop.AttachToOverlay function to accept drops on an overlay.
- Added DX, DY and ClassID parameters to Preview.CreateWithControl and Preview.Create functions.
- Added DynaPDF.SetLineAnnotPoints and DynaPDF.EnableImageCache functions.
- Added EmailParser.ReleaseAll function.
- Added FM.RecordStatistics function.
- Added header row flag for Matrix.CSVSplit to put first row into column names.
- Added Java.GetTag and Java.SetTag functions.
- Added KeepUnsupportedAnnots option for DynaPDF.FlattenAnnots function.
- Added kstSearchAsIs flag for DynaPDFParserMBS class.
- Added Mutex.GetTag and Mutex.SetTag functions.
- Added Mutex.ReleaseAll function.
- Added Options parameter for Archive.Content, Archive.Extract, Archive.ExtractFile, Archive.FileList and Archive.GZipDecompress functions.
- Added Plugin.LockedFunctions function.
- Added Plugin.SetLicenseKeyHidden and Plugin.IsLicenseKeyHidden functions.
- Added QuickList.JSONArray function.
- Added Schedule.GetTag and Schedule.SetTag functions.
- Added SyntaxColoring.AutoCompleteVariables.GetGlobals and SyntaxColoring.AutoCompleteVariables.SetGlobals functions.
- Added SystemInfo.isSequoia function.
- Added SystemInfo.MacMemoryHostStatistics function.
- Added TotalSize entry for FM.TableStatistics and FM.RecordStatistics.
- Added WebView.ClearVirtualHostNameToFolderMapping and WebView.SetVirtualHostNameToFolderMapping functions.
- Added Window.HasFormattingBar function.
- Changed CURL debug messages to include the full URL you requested for review. We include a warning, if URL has no scheme.
- Changed ListDialog.SetShowCheckboxes to allow flag 4 to have checkboxes with only one checkbox checked at maximum.
- Changed Matrix.CSVSplit to handle CSV with multi line values better.
- Changed Matrix.JSONRecord and Matrix.JSONRecords to take field names from column names, if you have some and you don't pass field names.
- Changed StoreKit.FinishTransaction to allow passing of index in additional of transaction Identifier.
- Changed trace function to not log the password for a Files.Mount call.
- Changed WindowsUserNotification and UNNotification functions to be free to use without license.
- Changed XL.Book.Version to have the book parameter optional.
- Deprecated SystemInfo.isElCapitan, SystemInfo.isMavericks, SystemInfo.isSierra and SystemInfo.isYosemite functions.
- Enhanced check syntax button for calculation dialog to allow pressing shift key to only check the selected text.
- Enhanced execute button for calculation dialog to allow pressing shift key to only evaluate the selected text.
- Enhanced format button for calculation dialog to allow pressing shift key to only format the selected text.
- Fixed a bug in IBAN.Format function.
- Fixed a bug in WebLink() function in DynaPDFMBS class returning negative number.
- Fixed a memory leak in loading Excel file from disk with XL.LoadBook function.
- Fixed a problem with copying script text with duplicate field names or calculations.
- Fixed a problem with XL functions where license key was not recognized properly.
- Fixed an issue with server calling WMIQuery.Connect function.
- Fixed Archive.AddContainer function to allow relative paths in file name parameter.
- Fixed Archive.AddText function to allow relative paths in file name parameter.
- Fixed DynaPDF.DeletePage to return remaining pages on success.
- Fixed JSON.GetArraySize to return no error for empty JSON and just return zero.
- Fixed JSON.GetPathItem to not return error for invalid JSON if flag 2 is used.
- Fixed problem with JSON returning negative floating point numbers without leading 0.
- Fixed problem with variable checking and "target:" in lines.
- Fixed the WordFile.ReplaceTag function, which broke in 14.2.
- Improved code formatting to detect semicolon first and then formats this way.
- Improved Files.ResolveAlias function to handle symbolic links, too.
- Improved JSON.Import to report SQL statements in the error list for JSON.Import.Errors alongside the error messages.
- Improved JSON.SetPathItem to take the given value as text if it doesn't parse as JSON.
- Improved list functions to better split lists with CRLF as delimiter.
- Improved the formatting code for calculations to handle special words like OR and AND better.
- Improved UNNotification functions to work better in FileMaker 21, so both ways can be used together.
- Improved variable auto completion to better handle custom functions starting with underscore.
- Improved XML.Import to report SQL statements in the error list for XML.Import.Errors alongside the error messages.
- Reimplemented JSON.IsValid using newer JSON functions internally, so it catches more errors.
- Renamed EmailParser.Free to EmailParser.Release, but old name will stay valid.
- Renamed Mutex.Free to Mutex.Release, but old name will stay valid.
- Update LibXL libraries for macOS and Windows to version 4.3.
- Updated CURL to version 8.8.0
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Updated for future FileMaker version.
- Updated our ICU integration for SQLite to the new SQLite version.
- Updated SQLAPI to version 5.3.2.
- Updated SQLite to version 3.46.0.
- Updated to newer plugin SDK for FileMaker 21.
- Updated to Xcode 15.4.
Release notes for version 14.2 - 14th May 2024
New functions in 14.2 and Announcement in blog.
14.2 - 14th May 2024
- Added JSON.Merge function.
- Added JSON.ReplaceEvaluate function and related JSON.CurrentMatch and JSON.CurrentMatchPath functions.
- Added new XL functions to create conditional formatting including XL.Book.AddConditionalFormat and XL.Sheet.AddConditionalFormatting.
- Added functions for iOS to print including PDFKit.SelectPrinter to pick a printer.
- Added AnimationTime parameter for Overlay.Move function.
- Added CertificateName parameter to DynaPDF.SaveAndSignFileWinCryptDialog function to skip dialog and pick certificate by name.
- Added Container.RemovePreview function to remove preview from container.
- Added CURL.AvailableSSLBackends and CURL.SetSSLBackend functions.
- Added Files.IsSystemImmutable, Files.IsUserImmutable, Files.SetSystemImmutable and Files.SetUserImmutable functions.
- Added firstRow and lastRow parameter to FM.SQL.JSONRecords and FM.SQL.XMLRecords functions.
- Added firstRow and lastRow parameter to Matrix.JSONRecords function.
- Added flag 16 for Matrix.JSONRecords to include field names as first row if outputting arrays.
- Added flag value 2 for JSON.ToHTML function to process embedded JSON.
- Added GMImage.Flatten function to remove alpha channel from image.
- Added IsSwipeNavigationEnabled and HiddenPdfToolbarItems as options to WebView.SetPreferences and WebView.GetPreferences for Windows.
- Added JSON.Import.SetExtraField and JSON.Import.SetBaseFields functions.
- Added keepAllSheets parameter for XL.LoadBookPartially function.
- Added ListDialog.GetShowCloseBox and ListDialog.SetShowCloseBox functions.
- Added Math.MovingAverage function.
- Added MongoDB.ClientCommand, MongoDB.ClientCommandQuery and MongoDB.ClientCommandWithServerId functions.
- Added MongoDB.GetAppName, MongoDB.SetAppName and MongoDB.GetCredentials functions.
- Added parameter for Hash.DigestFile to update progress dialog.
- Added QuickList.HasValues and Dictionary.HasKeys functions.
- Added SVG for XL.Book.GetPictureType and XL.Book.GetPicture.
- Added Text.LeftTrim and Text.RightTrim functions.
- Added tooltip for Script IDs.
- Added widget to field picker to jump to last selected table occurence.
- Added Windows support for SystemInfo.CPULoad function.
- Added work around for XL.Book.GetPicture to return image data, even if LibXL returns an error, but does provide data.
- Built curl with our Apple IDN implementation for CURL. see commit.
- Enabled ALTER and CREATE commands to be used on server with FM.ExecuteFileSQL function.
- Fixed a bug in FM.SQL.InsertRecords that prevented containers from being transferred.
- Fixed a problem with DynaPDF.ExtractText introduced in 14.x.
- Fixed a problem with ListDialog freezing on Windows if you use alt-tab to switch to other apps and you switch back to the FileMaker window instead of the dialog itself.
- Fixed an issue in auto complete where our underscore variable completion would prevent you from typing field names with underscores.
- Fixed an issue with EmailParser.ReceiveDate and EmailParser.SentDate function with east asian time zones.
- Fixed QLPreviewPanel.Show to make sure that a change in focus doesn't clear the content.
- Fixed the ListDialog functions to allow the red close widget to be used on the dialog to close it.
- Implemented PDFKit.Print and related functions for iOS.
- Improved auto complete to not suggest completions while inside a variable or function name to avoid in-word completions.
- Improved control placing for newer FileMaker version for AVPlayer, DragDrop, MapView and WebViewer.
- Improved Dialog.SetMode function for Note and Stop mode to use the given icon instead of the application icon.
- Improved DynaPDF.TestGlyphs to return error message in case you call it outside an open page.
- Improved EmailParser.HTMLToPlainText to handle title tag.
- Improved FM.SQL.JSONRecords function to return empty array for empty result.
- Improved handling of font and format reference numbers in XL functions to cache the objects and reuse the indexes.
- Improved localization for script IDs.
- Improved localization of format button.
- Improved Matrix.HTML and JSON.ToHTML to use CSS for right alignment.
- Improved Overlay functions to resize the image automatically to fill window size on Windows.
- Improved Path.NativePathToFileMakerPath to not put in the disk name if it is already there.
- Improved script IDs to better find script Ids if script name are not unique.
- Improved SQL functions in FileMaker to better provide an error message.
- Improved WordFile.ReplaceTag and WordFile.Substitute functions to remove control characters from replacement text to avoid creating broken word files.
- Improved XL.Book.GetPicture to return future pictures types as FILE containers.
- Improved XL.Book.GetPictureType to report future types as number.
- Updated CURL to version 8.7.1.
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Updated LibXL to version 4.3.0.
- Updated SQLAPI to version 5.3.1.
- Updated SQLite to version 3.45.3.
- Updated to Xcode 15.3.
Release notes for version 14.1 - March 2024
New functions in 14.1 and Announcement in blog.
14.1 - 12th March 2024
- Added Overlay functions to show little graphics on screen independent of FileMaker.
- Added "Copy Full Field Specification" menu command for field specify dialog in FileMaker.
- Added AVRecorder.GetVideoOrientation and AVRecorder.SetVideoOrientation function.
- Added CF function as a shortcut for FM.CF function, which assumes you store custom functions in a dictionary named CF.
- Added check to LibXL.Initialize to return error if you use the license key for a different platform.
- Added Clipboard.Clear function.
- Added DynaPDF.CreateGoToEAction function.
- Added DynaPDF.GetActionsAsJSON function.
- Added DynaPDF.Parser.SelectionText function.
- Added empty check for debugger tooltips, so we show "$variable is empty", if IsEmpty() returns true for the variable.
- Added Events.RequestFullAccessToEvents, Events.RequestFullAccessToReminders and Events.RequestWriteOnlyAccessToEvents functions.
- Added fallback to Clipboard.GetText for Windows to read ANSI text if unicode text is not available.
- Added Flags parameter to Window.List to return names instead of IDs and filter for database windows only and/or visible windows.
- Added GMImage.Statistics function.
- Added JSON.AddValueToArray and JSON.AddValueToObject functions.
- Added KeyToCopy parameter to JSON.JSONPatch.FromDiff to copy primary keys.
- Added LastErrorDetail function for Get() function links.
- Added ListDialog.SetCloseDialogOnDoubleClick and ListDialog.GetCloseDialogOnDoubleClick to decide whether the dialog closes on double click.
- Added possibility to hold option key for format button to get a calculation made compact.
- Added RemoteControl.IsAltKeyDown, RemoteControl.IsCapsLockKeyDown, RemoteControl.IsCommandKeyDown, RemoteControl.IsControlKeyDown, RemoteControl.IsFunctionKeyDown, and RemoteControl.IsShiftKeyDown functions to check if a modifier key is down.
- Added support for orientation in WebView.SetPrintParameter function for iOS.
- Added SyntaxColoring.FormatCalculation function.
- Added timeout for CLGeocoder.GeocodeAddressString and CLGeocoder.ReverseGeocodeLocation functions.
- Changed Audit.Changed to ignore empty field names.
- Changed JSON.Replace to accept text or number as replacement and convert it to JSON internally automatically instead of returning a parsing error.
- Changed PageSetupDialog.GetLastSettings, PrintDialog.GetLastSettings and PDFKit.GetPrintLastSettings to log all text for trace log.
- Changed Text.TextToRTF function to use RTF parser from macOS/iOS and Windows for these platforms.
- Changed Trace function to not shorten texts with CURL.DebugMessages or returned error.
- Disabled syntax coloring explicitly for preferences and file option dialogs.
- Enabled auto complete for dialog to specify output file. Use Option-ESC or F5 depending on macOS version to trigger auto complete.
- Fixed a bug in our syntax check button when using fancy quotes.
- Fixed a crash in ListDialog.Sort when there is no list to sort.
- Fixed a possible crash with deactivated MBS FileMaker Plugin. Still we welcome if you keep MBS FileMaker Plugin activated in FileMaker.
- Fixed a problem in Container.Decompress function.
- Fixed a problem where relationship graph search didn't work for macOS.
- Fixed a problem with auto completion with underscore variables on macOS Sonoma.
- Fixed a problem with Command - - shortcut in FileMaker.
- Fixed a problem with SendMail.AddAttachmentContainer function where the file name included the remote: prefix for external containers.
- Fixed a problem with Socket.SendMessageHex function.
- Fixed an edge case with JSON.Replace where it didn't catch all spots.
- Fixed an issue in SQL functions where an error message would be cut on the first character improperly encoded.
- Fixed bug in Events.Item.SetTimeZone function.
- Fixed bug in StoreKit.FinishTransaction function not finding the transaction.
- Fixed headers in ListDialog functions to not show check boxes.
- Fixed Window.FindByName for Windows to not find other applications windows.
- Fixed Window.FindByName to return first matching window in case of a prefix match, not last.
- Improved calculation formatting code.
- Improved Clipboard.GetRTFText, Clipboard.GetHTMLText, Clipboard.GetStyledText and Clipboard_GetText for Windows to strip out an ending NULL character if the other application added it to the clipboard text.
- Improved copying table contextual menu command to copy checkboxes as 0 or 1.
- Improved Data Detector example to include a contextual menu routine for showing actions based on RegEx.DataDetector function.
- Improved dialog functions on macOS to show buttons with borders if you have more than three buttons.
- Improved DynaPDF.GetEmbeddedFileAsContainer to return images with preview.
- Improved font mapping for DynaPDF.WriteStyledText to better handle bold fonts.
- Improved formula formatting to keep comments on the end of the line there and better handle inline comments.
- Improved IKScannerDevicePanel.Reset to clear values set with IKScannerDevicePanel.SetDocumentName, IKScannerDevicePanel.SetScanControlLabel and IKScannerDevicePanel.SetOverviewControlLabel, too.
- Improved ImageCapture functions to connect scan dialogs with other functions. This allows you to set parameters without the GUI.
- Improved ListDialog functions to match headers with all their items if you search for them.
- Improved ListDialog functions to not show empty header lines if you filter entries.
- Improved our RTF parser for Text.TextToRTF and Clipboard.GetStyledText function.
- Improved SendMail functions to allow the creation of attachment only emails.
- Improved SQL functions to better return error messages if the ODBC driver provided them with ASCII instead of UTF16/32 encoding.
- Improved variable check to run better for smaller scripts.
- Marked path functions to be free to use.
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Updated dyncall library to version 1.4.
- Updated our headers for NetSNMP library.
- Updated SQLite to version 3.45.1.
- Updated to newer plugin SDK.
2006 to 2009
- Version 1.8
- Version 1.7
- Version 1.6
- Version 1.5
- Version 1.4
- Version 1.3
- Version 1.2
- Version 1.1
- Version 1.0