Version history:
Release notes for version 14.3 - 9th July 2024
New functions in 14.3 and Announcement in blog.
14.3 - 9th July 2024
- Added Python functions.
- Added MQTT example using CURL.
- Added Archive.CompressText function.
- Added CFunction.GetTag, CFunction.SetTag, CLibrary.GetTag and CLibrary.SetTag functions.
- Added check to XL.Initialize and DynaPDF.Initialize to return an error if the license key includes invalid characters like a space character.
- Added CURL.GetMQTTMessages function.
- Added CURL.SetMQTTScript, CURL.GetMQTTFileName and CURL.GetMQTTScriptName functions.
- Added Dictionary.GetTag and Dictionary.SetTag functions.
- Added DragDrop.AttachToOverlay function to accept drops on an overlay.
- Added DX, DY and ClassID parameters to Preview.CreateWithControl and Preview.Create functions.
- Added DynaPDF.SetLineAnnotPoints and DynaPDF.EnableImageCache functions.
- Added EmailParser.ReleaseAll function.
- Added FM.RecordStatistics function.
- Added header row flag for Matrix.CSVSplit to put first row into column names.
- Added Java.GetTag and Java.SetTag functions.
- Added KeepUnsupportedAnnots option for DynaPDF.FlattenAnnots function.
- Added kstSearchAsIs flag for DynaPDFParserMBS class.
- Added Mutex.GetTag and Mutex.SetTag functions.
- Added Mutex.ReleaseAll function.
- Added Options parameter for Archive.Content, Archive.Extract, Archive.ExtractFile, Archive.FileList and Archive.GZipDecompress functions.
- Added Plugin.LockedFunctions function.
- Added Plugin.SetLicenseKeyHidden and Plugin.IsLicenseKeyHidden functions.
- Added QuickList.JSONArray function.
- Added Schedule.GetTag and Schedule.SetTag functions.
- Added SyntaxColoring.AutoCompleteVariables.GetGlobals and SyntaxColoring.AutoCompleteVariables.SetGlobals functions.
- Added SystemInfo.isSequoia function.
- Added SystemInfo.MacMemoryHostStatistics function.
- Added TotalSize entry for FM.TableStatistics and FM.RecordStatistics.
- Added WebView.ClearVirtualHostNameToFolderMapping and WebView.SetVirtualHostNameToFolderMapping functions.
- Added Window.HasFormattingBar function.
- Changed CURL debug messages to include the full URL you requested for review. We include a warning, if URL has no scheme.
- Changed ListDialog.SetShowCheckboxes to allow flag 4 to have checkboxes with only one checkbox checked at maximum.
- Changed Matrix.CSVSplit to handle CSV with multi line values better.
- Changed Matrix.JSONRecord and Matrix.JSONRecords to take field names from column names, if you have some and you don't pass field names.
- Changed StoreKit.FinishTransaction to allow passing of index in additional of transaction Identifier.
- Changed trace function to not log the password for a Files.Mount call.
- Changed WindowsUserNotification and UNNotification functions to be free to use without license.
- Changed XL.Book.Version to have the book parameter optional.
- Deprecated SystemInfo.isElCapitan, SystemInfo.isMavericks, SystemInfo.isSierra and SystemInfo.isYosemite functions.
- Enhanced check syntax button for calculation dialog to allow pressing shift key to only check the selected text.
- Enhanced execute button for calculation dialog to allow pressing shift key to only evaluate the selected text.
- Enhanced format button for calculation dialog to allow pressing shift key to only format the selected text.
- Fixed a bug in IBAN.Format function.
- Fixed a bug in WebLink() function in DynaPDFMBS class returning negative number.
- Fixed a memory leak in loading Excel file from disk with XL.LoadBook function.
- Fixed a problem with copying script text with duplicate field names or calculations.
- Fixed a problem with XL functions where license key was not recognized properly.
- Fixed an issue with server calling WMIQuery.Connect function.
- Fixed Archive.AddContainer function to allow relative paths in file name parameter.
- Fixed Archive.AddText function to allow relative paths in file name parameter.
- Fixed DynaPDF.DeletePage to return remaining pages on success.
- Fixed JSON.GetArraySize to return no error for empty JSON and just return zero.
- Fixed JSON.GetPathItem to not return error for invalid JSON if flag 2 is used.
- Fixed problem with JSON returning negative floating point numbers without leading 0.
- Fixed problem with variable checking and "target:" in lines.
- Fixed the WordFile.ReplaceTag function, which broke in 14.2.
- Improved code formatting to detect semicolon first and then formats this way.
- Improved Files.ResolveAlias function to handle symbolic links, too.
- Improved JSON.Import to report SQL statements in the error list for JSON.Import.Errors alongside the error messages.
- Improved JSON.SetPathItem to take the given value as text if it doesn't parse as JSON.
- Improved list functions to better split lists with CRLF as delimiter.
- Improved the formatting code for calculations to handle special words like OR and AND better.
- Improved UNNotification functions to work better in FileMaker 21, so both ways can be used together.
- Improved variable auto completion to better handle custom functions starting with underscore.
- Improved XML.Import to report SQL statements in the error list for XML.Import.Errors alongside the error messages.
- Reimplemented JSON.IsValid using newer JSON functions internally, so it catches more errors.
- Renamed EmailParser.Free to EmailParser.Release, but old name will stay valid.
- Renamed Mutex.Free to Mutex.Release, but old name will stay valid.
- Update LibXL libraries for macOS and Windows to version 4.3.
- Updated CURL to version 8.8.0
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Updated for future FileMaker version.
- Updated our ICU integration for SQLite to the new SQLite version.
- Updated SQLAPI to version 5.3.2.
- Updated SQLite to version 3.46.0.
- Updated to newer plugin SDK for FileMaker 21.
- Updated to Xcode 15.4.
Release notes for version 14.2 - 14th May 2024
New functions in 14.2 and Announcement in blog.
14.2 - 14th May 2024
- Added JSON.Merge function.
- Added JSON.ReplaceEvaluate function and related JSON.CurrentMatch and JSON.CurrentMatchPath functions.
- Added new XL functions to create conditional formatting including XL.Book.AddConditionalFormat and XL.Sheet.AddConditionalFormatting.
- Added functions for iOS to print including PDFKit.SelectPrinter to pick a printer.
- Added AnimationTime parameter for Overlay.Move function.
- Added CertificateName parameter to DynaPDF.SaveAndSignFileWinCryptDialog function to skip dialog and pick certificate by name.
- Added Container.RemovePreview function to remove preview from container.
- Added CURL.AvailableSSLBackends and CURL.SetSSLBackend functions.
- Added Files.IsSystemImmutable, Files.IsUserImmutable, Files.SetSystemImmutable and Files.SetUserImmutable functions.
- Added firstRow and lastRow parameter to FM.SQL.JSONRecords and FM.SQL.XMLRecords functions.
- Added firstRow and lastRow parameter to Matrix.JSONRecords function.
- Added flag 16 for Matrix.JSONRecords to include field names as first row if outputting arrays.
- Added flag value 2 for JSON.ToHTML function to process embedded JSON.
- Added GMImage.Flatten function to remove alpha channel from image.
- Added IsSwipeNavigationEnabled and HiddenPdfToolbarItems as options to WebView.SetPreferences and WebView.GetPreferences for Windows.
- Added JSON.Import.SetExtraField and JSON.Import.SetBaseFields functions.
- Added keepAllSheets parameter for XL.LoadBookPartially function.
- Added ListDialog.GetShowCloseBox and ListDialog.SetShowCloseBox functions.
- Added Math.MovingAverage function.
- Added MongoDB.ClientCommand, MongoDB.ClientCommandQuery and MongoDB.ClientCommandWithServerId functions.
- Added MongoDB.GetAppName, MongoDB.SetAppName and MongoDB.GetCredentials functions.
- Added parameter for Hash.DigestFile to update progress dialog.
- Added QuickList.HasValues and Dictionary.HasKeys functions.
- Added SVG for XL.Book.GetPictureType and XL.Book.GetPicture.
- Added Text.LeftTrim and Text.RightTrim functions.
- Added tooltip for Script IDs.
- Added widget to field picker to jump to last selected table occurence.
- Added Windows support for SystemInfo.CPULoad function.
- Added work around for XL.Book.GetPicture to return image data, even if LibXL returns an error, but does provide data.
- Built curl with our Apple IDN implementation for CURL. see commit.
- Enabled ALTER and CREATE commands to be used on server with FM.ExecuteFileSQL function.
- Fixed a bug in FM.SQL.InsertRecords that prevented containers from being transferred.
- Fixed a problem with DynaPDF.ExtractText introduced in 14.x.
- Fixed a problem with ListDialog freezing on Windows if you use alt-tab to switch to other apps and you switch back to the FileMaker window instead of the dialog itself.
- Fixed an issue in auto complete where our underscore variable completion would prevent you from typing field names with underscores.
- Fixed an issue with EmailParser.ReceiveDate and EmailParser.SentDate function with east asian time zones.
- Fixed QLPreviewPanel.Show to make sure that a change in focus doesn't clear the content.
- Fixed the ListDialog functions to allow the red close widget to be used on the dialog to close it.
- Implemented PDFKit.Print and related functions for iOS.
- Improved auto complete to not suggest completions while inside a variable or function name to avoid in-word completions.
- Improved control placing for newer FileMaker version for AVPlayer, DragDrop, MapView and WebViewer.
- Improved Dialog.SetMode function for Note and Stop mode to use the given icon instead of the application icon.
- Improved DynaPDF.TestGlyphs to return error message in case you call it outside an open page.
- Improved EmailParser.HTMLToPlainText to handle title tag.
- Improved FM.SQL.JSONRecords function to return empty array for empty result.
- Improved handling of font and format reference numbers in XL functions to cache the objects and reuse the indexes.
- Improved localization for script IDs.
- Improved localization of format button.
- Improved Matrix.HTML and JSON.ToHTML to use CSS for right alignment.
- Improved Overlay functions to resize the image automatically to fill window size on Windows.
- Improved Path.NativePathToFileMakerPath to not put in the disk name if it is already there.
- Improved script IDs to better find script Ids if script name are not unique.
- Improved SQL functions in FileMaker to better provide an error message.
- Improved WordFile.ReplaceTag and WordFile.Substitute functions to remove control characters from replacement text to avoid creating broken word files.
- Improved XL.Book.GetPicture to return future pictures types as FILE containers.
- Improved XL.Book.GetPictureType to report future types as number.
- Updated CURL to version 8.7.1.
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Updated LibXL to version 4.3.0.
- Updated SQLAPI to version 5.3.1.
- Updated SQLite to version 3.45.3.
- Updated to Xcode 15.3.
Release notes for version 14.1 - March 2024
New functions in 14.1 and Announcement in blog.
14.1 - 12th March 2024
- Added Overlay functions to show little graphics on screen independent of FileMaker.
- Added "Copy Full Field Specification" menu command for field specify dialog in FileMaker.
- Added AVRecorder.GetVideoOrientation and AVRecorder.SetVideoOrientation function.
- Added CF function as a shortcut for FM.CF function, which assumes you store custom functions in a dictionary named CF.
- Added check to LibXL.Initialize to return error if you use the license key for a different platform.
- Added Clipboard.Clear function.
- Added DynaPDF.CreateGoToEAction function.
- Added DynaPDF.GetActionsAsJSON function.
- Added DynaPDF.Parser.SelectionText function.
- Added empty check for debugger tooltips, so we show "$variable is empty", if IsEmpty() returns true for the variable.
- Added Events.RequestFullAccessToEvents, Events.RequestFullAccessToReminders and Events.RequestWriteOnlyAccessToEvents functions.
- Added fallback to Clipboard.GetText for Windows to read ANSI text if unicode text is not available.
- Added Flags parameter to Window.List to return names instead of IDs and filter for database windows only and/or visible windows.
- Added GMImage.Statistics function.
- Added JSON.AddValueToArray and JSON.AddValueToObject functions.
- Added KeyToCopy parameter to JSON.JSONPatch.FromDiff to copy primary keys.
- Added LastErrorDetail function for Get() function links.
- Added ListDialog.SetCloseDialogOnDoubleClick and ListDialog.GetCloseDialogOnDoubleClick to decide whether the dialog closes on double click.
- Added possibility to hold option key for format button to get a calculation made compact.
- Added RemoteControl.IsAltKeyDown, RemoteControl.IsCapsLockKeyDown, RemoteControl.IsCommandKeyDown, RemoteControl.IsControlKeyDown, RemoteControl.IsFunctionKeyDown, and RemoteControl.IsShiftKeyDown functions to check if a modifier key is down.
- Added support for orientation in WebView.SetPrintParameter function for iOS.
- Added SyntaxColoring.FormatCalculation function.
- Added timeout for CLGeocoder.GeocodeAddressString and CLGeocoder.ReverseGeocodeLocation functions.
- Changed Audit.Changed to ignore empty field names.
- Changed JSON.Replace to accept text or number as replacement and convert it to JSON internally automatically instead of returning a parsing error.
- Changed PageSetupDialog.GetLastSettings, PrintDialog.GetLastSettings and PDFKit.GetPrintLastSettings to log all text for trace log.
- Changed Text.TextToRTF function to use RTF parser from macOS/iOS and Windows for these platforms.
- Changed Trace function to not shorten texts with CURL.DebugMessages or returned error.
- Disabled syntax coloring explicitly for preferences and file option dialogs.
- Enabled auto complete for dialog to specify output file. Use Option-ESC or F5 depending on macOS version to trigger auto complete.
- Fixed a bug in our syntax check button when using fancy quotes.
- Fixed a crash in ListDialog.Sort when there is no list to sort.
- Fixed a possible crash with deactivated MBS FileMaker Plugin. Still we welcome if you keep MBS FileMaker Plugin activated in FileMaker.
- Fixed a problem in Container.Decompress function.
- Fixed a problem where relationship graph search didn't work for macOS.
- Fixed a problem with auto completion with underscore variables on macOS Sonoma.
- Fixed a problem with Command - - shortcut in FileMaker.
- Fixed a problem with SendMail.AddAttachmentContainer function where the file name included the remote: prefix for external containers.
- Fixed a problem with Socket.SendMessageHex function.
- Fixed an edge case with JSON.Replace where it didn't catch all spots.
- Fixed an issue in SQL functions where an error message would be cut on the first character improperly encoded.
- Fixed bug in Events.Item.SetTimeZone function.
- Fixed bug in StoreKit.FinishTransaction function not finding the transaction.
- Fixed headers in ListDialog functions to not show check boxes.
- Fixed Window.FindByName for Windows to not find other applications windows.
- Fixed Window.FindByName to return first matching window in case of a prefix match, not last.
- Improved calculation formatting code.
- Improved Clipboard.GetRTFText, Clipboard.GetHTMLText, Clipboard.GetStyledText and Clipboard_GetText for Windows to strip out an ending NULL character if the other application added it to the clipboard text.
- Improved copying table contextual menu command to copy checkboxes as 0 or 1.
- Improved Data Detector example to include a contextual menu routine for showing actions based on RegEx.DataDetector function.
- Improved dialog functions on macOS to show buttons with borders if you have more than three buttons.
- Improved DynaPDF.GetEmbeddedFileAsContainer to return images with preview.
- Improved font mapping for DynaPDF.WriteStyledText to better handle bold fonts.
- Improved formula formatting to keep comments on the end of the line there and better handle inline comments.
- Improved IKScannerDevicePanel.Reset to clear values set with IKScannerDevicePanel.SetDocumentName, IKScannerDevicePanel.SetScanControlLabel and IKScannerDevicePanel.SetOverviewControlLabel, too.
- Improved ImageCapture functions to connect scan dialogs with other functions. This allows you to set parameters without the GUI.
- Improved ListDialog functions to match headers with all their items if you search for them.
- Improved ListDialog functions to not show empty header lines if you filter entries.
- Improved our RTF parser for Text.TextToRTF and Clipboard.GetStyledText function.
- Improved SendMail functions to allow the creation of attachment only emails.
- Improved SQL functions to better return error messages if the ODBC driver provided them with ASCII instead of UTF16/32 encoding.
- Improved variable check to run better for smaller scripts.
- Marked path functions to be free to use.
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Updated dyncall library to version 1.4.
- Updated our headers for NetSNMP library.
- Updated SQLite to version 3.45.1.
- Updated to newer plugin SDK.
Release notes for version 14.0 - January 2024
New functions in 14.0 and Announcement in blog.
14.0 - 16th January 2024
- Added a Search Scripts example file to allow you searching your Script Workspace on Windows (and macOS) with the F8 hotkey.
- Added caching for variable check to improve performance for longer scripts.
- Added CaseSensitive flag for List.FindDuplicateItems, List.HasDuplicateItems, List.RemoveDuplicateItems, QuickList.FindDuplicateItems, QuickList.HasDuplicateItems, QuickList.RemoveDuplicateItems.
- Added checks for SQL functions in multiple places to avoid crashes if SQL command text is empty.
- Added CNContactStore.ContactsMatchingURL function.
- Added Command-+ and Command-- as keyboard shortcuts for calculation fields to directly adjust font size.
- Added command-J to format text as JSON in a text view, e.g. in data viewer result.
- Added Command-Option-Cursor key shortcuts for relationship graph on macOS to align items.
- Added Command-Option-Shift-Cursor key shortcuts for relationship graph on macOS to resize items to smallest/biggest size.
- Added Command-Shift-G for find bar to find previous match.
- Added Container.IdentifyData, Files.IdentifyData and Text.IdentifyData functions.
- Added CSS parameter for Matrix.HTML function.
- Added curl triggers for success and failure: CURL.GetFailedEvaluate, CURL.GetFailedFileName, CURL.GetFailedScriptName, CURL.GetSucceededEvaluate, CURL.GetSucceededFileName, CURL.GetSucceededScriptName, CURL.SetFailedEvaluate, CURL.SetFailedScript, CURL.SetSucceededEvaluate, and CURL.SetSucceededScript.
- Added CurrentTimeUTCMicroseconds for Audit as possible field.
- Added CurrentTimeUTCMicroseconds for our get function links.
- Added DynaPDF parser functions: DynaPDF.Parser.ChangeAltFont, DynaPDF.Parser.Create, DynaPDF.Parser.DeleteText, DynaPDF.Parser.ExtractText, DynaPDF.Parser.FindText, DynaPDF.Parser.Line, DynaPDF.Parser.ParsePage, DynaPDF.Parser.ReplaceSelText, DynaPDF.Parser.SetAltFont, DynaPDF.Parser.TextMatrix, DynaPDF.Parser.WriteToPage.
- Added DynaPDF.GetFullyQualifiedFieldName function.
- Added flags for List.BestMatch and QuickList.BestMatch to use Jaro-Winkler distance optionally and optionally return list of top 5.
- Added FM.SQL.ToMatrix function.
- Added FullyQualifiedFieldName as new field for DynaPDF.GetFieldAsJSON and DynaPDF.GetFieldAsJSON results.
- Added JSON.JSONPatch.ApplyPatch, JSON.JSONPatch.FromDiff, JSON.MergePatch.ApplyPatch and JSON.MergePatch.FromDiff functions.
- Added links to syntax coloring goodies from help pages.
- Added List.Shuffle and QuickList.Shuffle functions.
- Added Math.Random.ExponentialDistribution, Math.Random.NormalDistribution and Math.Random.PoissonDistribution functions.
- Added Matrix.IndexOfFirstValueMatching function.
- Added more Phidgets examples.
- Added new parameter for Archive.AddContainer, Archive.AddFile and Archive.AddText to pass a timestamp to use.
- Added Phidget.DisableServerDiscovery and Phidget.EnableServerDiscovery functions.
- Added Phidget.GetTag and Phidget.SetTag functions.
- Added QuickList.Release function as new name for QuickList.Free. Old name stays valid.
- Added Reset Colors button to the preferences dialog.
- Added SyntaxColoring.GetCodeFoldingEnabled and SyntaxColoring.SetCodeFoldingEnabled function.
- Added XL.FormControl.JSON function.
- Added XML.ToHTML function.
- Changed DynaPDF.FontInfo to return numbers for FontBBox as list of values with numbers.
- Changed FM.DeleteRecords to return OK if no record was found.
- Enabled Folders.UserDownloads to work in iOS.
- Fixed a bug for comment links which prevented them from working in older macOS versions.
- Fixed a problem in Matrix.CopyRow when using row names.
- Fixed a problem with custom web viewer to show PDF documents.
- Fixed a problem with Get function links and non breaking space.
- Fixed a problem with ImageView.CreateWithSize not working properly on macOS.
- Fixed a problem with int32 read as string in SQL functions.
- Fixed an edge case with auto complete of variables causing an exception.
- Fixed an edge case with Path.LastPathComponent to return last path name, even if a slash is on the end of the path.
- Fixed an endless loop in JSON.Search function with a bad query. Now propergates the error properly.
- Fixed an issue where calculation coloring would run, even when it was disabled.
- Fixed an issue with auto completing underscore prefixed local variables.
- Fixed AppleScript.Compile to clear last error for AppleScript.LastErrorMessage function.
- Fixed control placing on iOS to find layout view for a card window.
- Fixed copy variables command to not limit it to 500 lines.
- Fixed CURL.SetupAWS and CURL.SetupOAuth to reset NoBody flag if new transfer is not head.
- Fixed DynaPDF field functions to try different field structure sizes, if the DynaPDF DLL is much newer/older than our plugin and prevent errors about different structure sizes.
- Fixed Events.Item.GetCalendar function to not always return JSON.
- Fixed ListDialog functions to not use column widths if you have only one column.
- Fixed WebView.InstallUserMediaAccess to not return error when called a second time.
- Fixed window functions for future FileMaker version, e.g. affect Printer.Print.
- Implemented Time.Parse for Windows.
- Improved animation for ProgressDialog functions on macOS.
- Improved comment links with script: scheme to use script IDs in addition to names.
- Improved format button to handle <=, >= and <> correctly. But you can also use ≤, ≥ or ≠ of course.
- Improved handling of arrays for our JSON to HTML conversion in JSON.ToHTML function.
- Improved performance for newer JSON functions.
- Improved preferences dialog to not show Touch Bar ESC feature if you don't have a Mac with a Touch Bar.
- Improved script coloring to better read script lines.
- Improved SyntaxColoring.FactoryDefaults function to reset both dark and light colors.
- Improved XL functions for form controls to take name of control in addition to index.
- Removed support for Claris Pro/Server.
- Rewrote DynaPDF.ExtractDocumentText using newer DynaPDF.ExtractText function internally.
- The comment links to scripts can now recognize option key to open script in new window.
- Updated CURL to version 8.5.0.
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Updated for future FileMaker version.
- Updated openssl library to version 3.1.4.
- Updated SQLAPI to version 5.3.0.
- Updated SQLite to version 3.44.1.
- Updated to LCMS 2.16.
- Updated to Xcode 15.2.
- Updated Visual Studio to version 2022.
Release notes for version 13.5 - November 2023
New functions in 13.5 and Announcement in blog.
13.5 - 7th November 2023
- Added calculation formatting function with ƒ button for custom function and calculation dialogs.
- Added JSON.Query function for JSON Path queries.
- Added JSON.Replace to replace within a JSON.
- Added JSON.Search to perform JMESPath queries in FileMaker.
- Added support for having checkboxes in a list dialog for ListDialog functions.
- Added "DefaultPDFA4" flag for DynaPDF.CheckConformance function.
- Added "PDF/A 4", "PDF/A 4e" and "PDF/A 4f" conformation types for DynaPDF.CheckConformance function.
- Added Command-Option-Shift-C to calculation text field for macOS to copy text with formatting as html:
- Command-C: Copy as text
- Command-Option-C: Copy as styled text
- Command-Option-Shift-C: Copy as HTML
- Added Command-Shift-F shortcut to show find & replace interface in calculation text field.
- Added DynaPDF.CreateGeospatialMeasure function.
- Added Files.IsApplication and Files.IsPackage functions.
- Added Flags Parameter for Matrix.HTML function.
- Added Flags Parmeter for Matrix.Evaluate. Pass 2 to continue after error.
- Added functions to work with reaction effects on macOS 14 and iOS 17 with AVRecorder: AVRecorder.AvailableReactionTypes, AVRecorder.CanPerformReactionEffects, AVRecorder.PerformEffectForReaction, AVRecorder.ReactionEffectGesturesEnabled and AVRecorder.ReactionEffectsEnabled functions.
- Added goto: and script: for comment URLs in script workspace to quickly jump to lines or scripts.
- Added highlight support for Text.TextToHTML function.
- Added IsApplication and IsPackage for Files.ListAsJSON function.
- Added Matrix.Lookup function to get a value without error for invalid parameters.
- Added MongoDB Audit.fmp12 example file.
- Added new flags 512 to ignore duplicates (with FileMaker's validation) and 1024 to not create UUID fields to XML.Import and JSON.Import functions.
- Added PDF/A 4, PDF/A 4e and PDF/A 4f for DynaPDF.SetPDFVersion function.
- Added Phidget.ClearScriptTrigger function.
- Added Plugin.ObjectCounts and Plugin.UsedFunctionCounts function.
- Added Preview.SetFocus function.
- Added SkaleAnnotIcons flag for DynaPDF.SetGStateFlags function.
- Added Window.AddToTaskbar and Window.RemoveFromTaskbar functions.
- Added Window.Parent function.
- Added XML.Import.GetExtraFieldDefinitions and XML.Import.SetExtraFieldDefinitions functions to create custom fields.
- Changed AVRecorder.Release to stop session if it is running.
- Changed DynaPDF.Table.SetFont to have Style, Embed and CodePage parameters be optional with default style, embed = 1 and CodePage = Unicode.
- Changed ListDialog.ShowDialog to allow two line prompt line.
- Changed SQL functions, so you can load Actual Tech ODBC drivers directly without using iODBC.
- Changed XL.Sheet.CellReadStyledText function to fall back to XL.Sheet.CellReadText for non styled cells.
- Enabled fortified source checks for libc on Linux.
- Enabled support for WebP pictures to GraphicsMagick functions for macOS ARM target.
- Enabled WindowsOCR functions for server usage.
- Fixed a problem with AVRecorder.AddPreviewWithControl and AVRecorder.StartRecording functions when they returned OK instead of the error.
- Fixed a problem with AVRecorder.AddPreviewWithControl picking wrong window if layout and window had same name.
- Fixed an edge case for shifting formula text left.
- Fixed an exception in syntax coloring for empty texts.
- Fixed an issue with RtlProcessFlsData crashing on Windows.
- Fixed an issue with WebHook functions and HTTP headers sent in chunks.
- Fixed error message for Text.FileExtensionToMimeType function.
- Fixed Files.ListAsJSON function to not filter invisible files on macOS without asked to do that.
- Fixed find bar in data viewer for the case you got actually two of them.
- Fixed font for ListDialog's filter to make it bigger.
- Fixed OpenSSL to not depend on GLIBC_2.25, so you can use our plugin on older linux versions again.
- Fixed plugin not loading on macOS 10.13.
- Fixed problem with ListDialog functions on Windows.
- Fixed Shell.Terminate for Windows to work better.
- Fixed XML.Import.ErrorCount and XML.Import.Errors to work better.
- Improved IKDeviceBrowserPanel.Show and IKScannerDevicePanel.Show functions to internally call ImageCapture.Initialize if needed.
- Improved Matrix.Evaluate and Matrix.Current to work better in multi threading environments.
- Improved syntax coloring to recognize variable names in calculation comments, if a comment color and variable color is defined.
- Improved SystemInfo.OSVersionString, SystemInfo.MacMajorVersion and SystemInfo.MacMinorVersion to return Ubuntu version on Linux.
- Improved variable check to recognize /* or // @var $test or similar in front of Let statements to define new variables in a comment. Works with @constant, @variable or @parameter like normal comments and with multiple variables.
- Rewrote script triggers for Phidget functions to not queue up too many scripts.
- Updated CURL to version 8.4.0.
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Updated SQLAPI to version 5.2.6.
- Updated SQLite to version 3.44.0.
- Updated to Xcode 15.0.
Release notes for version 13.4 - 12th September 2023
New functions in 13.4 and Announcement in blog.
- Added Phidget functions to control various USB devices from Phidgets Inc.
- Added AsJSON parameters to Events.Calendars, Events.Source.Calendars, Events.Item.GetCalendar, Events.defaultCalendarForNewEvents, Events.defaultCalendarForNewReminders, Events.SourceWithType, Events.Sources and Events.DelegateSources functions to return result as JSON.
- Added check to LDAP.ModifyJSON and LDAP.Modify to complain if dn is empty.
- Added CURL.ProcessRelativeURL function.
- Added DynaPDF.DeleteDPartNode function.
- Added Files.EvictUbiquitousItem and Files.StartDownloadingUbiquitousItem functions.
- Added Files.UbiquitousItemStatus function.
- Added Flags parameter for QLPreviewPanel.Show function.
- Added ForceInterpolation flag for DynaPDF.RenderPage function.
- Added iOSApp.GetOrientationDidChangeEvaluate, iOSApp.GetOrientationDidChangeScript, iOSApp.SetOrientationDidChangeEvaluate and iOSApp.SetOrientationDidChangeScript functions.
- Added MongoDB.IsTracing and MongoDB.Trace functions.
- Added MongoDB.Ping function.
- Added MongoDB.SetSSLOptions function.
- Added MongoDB.SSLLibrary function.
- Added new parameter useDetached for DynaPDF.SaveAndSignFileExt1 function.
- Added new PhotoPicker functions.
- Added SerialPort.OpenPath function, so you can use SerialPort functions to open special files or pipes.
- Added SerialPort.WaitNamedPipe function to wait for a pipe and use with SerialPort.OpenPath on Windows.
- Added SkipDPartData option for DynaPDF.SetImportFlags2 function.
- Added TOTP.DecodeFromBase32 and TOTP.EncodeToBase32 functions.
- Added XL.Sheet.SetHidden function.
- Added XML.InsertRecords function.
- Changed FileDialog functions to return error when called server side.
- Changed JSON.GetStringValue, JSON.GetBooleanValue, JSON.GetDoubleValue, JSON.GetIntegerValue and JSON.GetValue to return empty result if called with empty value.
- Changed plugin to free all MongoDB connections if needed when FileMaker quits.
- Changed window searching on Windows to prefer visible windows for finding by title.
- Fixed a bug in setting numeric values in SQL functions with floating numbers, caused by a bug fix in version 13.3. Values showed up as zero incorrectly.
- Fixed a crash with Preview functions on macOS when releasing the temp file.
- Fixed a possible crash in CURL.GetResultAsContainer function.
- Fixed a problem with Dialog.SetTimeout closing a FileMaker custom dialog by accident on macOS.
- Fixed a problem with handling of Shift JIS text encoding.
- Fixed a problem with Path.FilePathToFileURL for Windows.
- Fixed a problem with syntax coloring failing to color formulas in variable editing dialog.
- Fixed a problem with WordFile.ReplaceTag and WordFile.Substitute functions when passing in NULL characters in the text.
- Fixed an issue with CNContactPicker.Show raising an exception on iOS.
- Fixed CNContactStore.Contacts to work better on newer macOS versions.
- Fixed CURL.GetHeaderAsJSON function to make array for duplicate headers and filter duplicates.
- Fixed exception for CNContact.JSON function.
- Fixed loop highlighting in case you use bigger fonts.
- Improved DynaPDF.FindField to better find a field in a group.
- Improved JSON.Import to better handle arrays in arrays.
- Marked a dozen files and text functions to be free to use.
- Rebuild MongoDB-c library with tracing support.
- Switched MongoDB on macOS and iOS to use OpenSSL for SSL.
- Updated curl to version 8.2.1.
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Updated for future FileMaker version.
- Updated SQLAPI to version 5.2.5.
- Updated SQLite to version 3.43.0.
- Upgraded WebDownloadDelegate functions to work on WebKit 2.0 on macOS and iOS.
- Version 13.3
- Version 13.2
- Version 13.1
- Version 13.0
- Version 12.5
- Version 12.4
- Version 12.3
- Version 12.2
- Version 12.1
- Version 12.0
- Version 11.5
- Version 11.4
- Version 11.3
- Version 11.2
- Version 11.1
- Version 11.0
- Version 10.5
- Version 10.4
- Version 10.3
- Version 10.2
- Version 10.1
- Version 10.0
- Version 9.5
- Version 9.4
- Version 9.3
- Version 9.2
- Version 9.1
- Version 9.0
- Version 8.5
- Version 8.4
- Version 8.3
- Version 8.2
- Version 8.1
- Version 8.0
- Version 7.5
- Version 7.4
- Version 7.3
- Version 7.2
- Version 7.1
- Version 7.0
- Version 6.5
- Version 6.4
- Version 6.3
- Version 6.2
- Version 6.1
- Version 6.0
- Version 5.4
- Version 5.3
- Version 5.2
- Version 5.1
- Version 5.0
- Version 4.4
- Version 4.3
- Version 4.2
- Version 4.1
- Version 4.0
- Version 3.5
- Version 3.4
- Version 3.3
- Version 3.2
- Version 3.1
- Version 3.0
- Version 2.9
- Version 2.8
- Version 2.7
- Version 2.6
- Version 2.5
- Version 2.4
- Version 2.3
- Version 2.2
- Version 2.1
- Version 2.0
- Version 1.8
- Version 1.7
- Version 1.6
- Version 1.5
- Version 1.4
- Version 1.3
- Version 1.2
- Version 1.1
- Version 1.0