Release notes for version 10.5 - 17th November 2020
New functions in 10.5 and Announcement in blog.
- Added feature for macOS to show matching brackets highlighted in calculation editor.
- Added a zoom button for inspector palette to scale content to 125%.
- Added WindowsML functions to do machine learning on Windows 10.
- Added 60 second timeout to WebView.Evaluate for macOS to avoid endless loops.
- Added Animate parameter for macOS to Window.SetBounds function.
- Added AVExport.ReleaseAll, AVRecorder.ReleaseAll, CoreML.ReleaseAll, DNSLookup.ReleaseAll, Dictionary.ReleaseAll, FM.SQL.ReleaseAll, JS.ReleaseAll, JavaScript.ReleaseAll, LDAP.ReleaseAll, PDFKit.ReleaseAll, PKCS12.ReleaseAll, PKCS7.ReleaseAll, PKey.ReleaseAll, SSH.ReleaseAll, WinSendMail.ReleaseAll, WindowsML.ReleaseAll, WordFile.ReleaseAll, and X509.ReleaseAll.
- Added AVPlayer.GetShowsSubtitles and AVPlayer.SetShowsSubtitles function.
- Added CFunction.ReleaseAll, CGImageSource.ReleaseAll, CLibrary.ReleaseAll, DynaPDF.ReleaseAll, ECKey.ReleaseAll, FSEvents.ReleaseAll, MarkDown.ReleaseAll, MenuItem.ReleaseAll, SendMail.ReleaseAll, Shell.ReleaseAll, SmartCard.ReleaseAll, TouchBar.ReleaseAll, UserNotification.ReleaseAll, WMFP.ReleaseAll, WMIQuery.ReleaseAll and WindowsUserNotification.ReleaseAll.
- Added CNContactStore.ContactsMatchingEmailAddress and CNContactStore.ContactsMatchingPhoneNumber functions.
- Added CUPS.GetPrintersAsJSON and CUPS.GetJobsAsJSON functions.
- Added DynaPDF.DrawNGon, DynaPDF.GetDefaultBarcodeParameters and DynaPDF.InsertBarcode functions.
- Added DynaPDF.GetAnnotationAsJSON, DynaPDF.GetColorSpaceAsJSON, DynaPDF.GetEmbeddedFileAsJSON, DynaPDF.GetFieldAsJSON and DynaPDF.GetFontAsJSON functions.
- Added DynaPDF.GetAnnotationsAsJSON, DynaPDF.GetBookmarksAsJSON, DynaPDF.GetColorSpacesAsJSON, DynaPDF.GetDocInfoAsJSON, DynaPDF.GetEmbeddedFilesAsJSON, DynaPDF.GetFieldsAsJSON, DynaPDF.GetFontsAsJSON, DynaPDF.GetImportDocInfoAsJSON and DynaPDF.SysFontInfoAsJSON functions.
- Added DynaPDF.GetDescent function.
- Added Files.ListAsJSON function to list files and return it as JSON.
- Added flags for JSON.GetArrayItem, so result can be JSON, reference or now value.
- Added FM.SQL.JSONColumn function.
- Added FontManager.ImageWithSystemSymbolName function to query images for symbol names.
- Added List.FindDuplicateItems and QuickList.FindDuplicateItems functions.
- Added Matrix.CSVSplit function.
- Added Matrix.ReleaseAll and renamed Matrix.Free to Matrix.Release.
- Added more TextView functions: TextView.GetSelectedStyledText, TextView.SetSelectedStyledText, TextView.GetSelectedHTMLText, TextView.SetSelectedHTMLText, TextView.GetSelectedRTF, TextView.SetSelectedRTF, TextView.GetSelectedPlainText, TextView.SetSelectedPlainText, TextView.GetSelectionStart, TextView.SetSelectionStart, TextView.GetSelectionLength, TextView.SetSelectionLength, and TextView.SetSelection.
- Added Plugin.GetFunctionPlatforms function.
- Added Realm Parameter for CURL.SetupOAuth function.
- Added SyntaxColoring.ShowBracketPositions.GetEnabled and SyntaxColoring.ShowBracketPositions.SetEnabled functions.
- Added SystemInfo.AppUsageStatistics function.
- Added SystemInfo.CPULoad function.
- Added SystemInfo.MachoArchInfo function.
- Added SystemSymbolName selector for ImageCapture.DeviceInfo function.
- Added XL.CopyColumn function.
- Added XL.Sheet.AddDataValidation and XL.Sheet.RemoveDataValidations functions.
- Added XL.Sheet.CellReadValue function.
- Added ZUGFeRD 2.x names for the Conformance Types enum for DynaPDF.CheckConformance function.
- Changed DynaPDF.Print to tell printer dialog that we are okay with collate and copies, so that option may get enabled on supporting printer drivers.
- Changed Files.CreateDirectory to create folders recursively on Windows, too.
- Changed JSON.ToXML to unpack attributes with just @ in front.
- Changed our Database Design Dialog enhancements to hide if the underlaying SQL queries fail.
- Changed ScriptID display in Script Workspace to hide column if we fail to query script names list.
- Changed SQL functions to better work together with Actual Tech SQL Server ODBC Drivers.
- Changed TextView functions to disable syntax colorizing for them.
- Changed XML.ToJSON and added option for compacter attributes processing.
- Deprecated CUPS.GetPrinterCount, CUPS.GetPrinterDefault, CUPS.GetPrinterName, CUPS.GetJobCompletionTime, CUPS.GetJobCreationTime, CUPS.GetJobFormat, CUPS.GetJobID, CUPS.GetJobIndex, CUPS.GetJobPrinter, CUPS.GetJobPriority, CUPS.GetJobProcessingTime, CUPS.GetJobSize, CUPS.GetJobState, CUPS.GetJobTitle, CUPS.GetJobUser and CUPS.GetJobsCount function.
- Deprecated SystemInfo.MacHasHardwareAcceleratedCoreImage and SystemInfo.MacVRAMSize functions.
- Fixed a bug with Script Workspace not showing full script names when using the plugin.
- Fixed a deadlock with WebView.Evaluate waiting endless for JavaScript answer and newer macOS versions.
- Fixed a problem with CURL.GetResultAsEMailList sometimes reported an extra erroneous email.
- Fixed a problem with loading libiconv.dll on Windows.
- Fixed an issue with EmailParser not converting email texts without iconv loaded.
- Fixed an issue with FileDialogWatcher.Install function.
- Fixed crash with AVRecorder.StartPreview, AVRecorder.AddPreviewWithControl and AVRecorder.AddPreviewToWindow if you call those twice.
- Fixed CURL.AddInputFile, CURL.AddInputGIF, CURL.AddInputJPEG, CURL.AddInputPDF, CURL.AddInputPNG and CURL.AddInputText.
- Fixed GraphicsMagick functions to not use clock_gettime function on macOS 10.11 or older, where it didn't exists. Broken in 10.4.
- Fixed main thread warning for UNNotification.IsRegisteredForRemoteNotifications function.
- Fixed memory leak in DynaPDF.SetReplaceICCProfileData function.
- Fixed memory leaks in BinaryFile.WriteContainer, Container.ReadImage, Vision.ClassifyImage, Vision.DetectBarcode and Vision.RecognizeText functions.
- Fixed memory leaks in CURL.SetInputJPEG, CURL.SetInputPNG, CURL.SetInputPDF, CURL.SetInputGIF and CURL.SetInputFile not freeing container. Broken with 10.0.
- Fixed memory leaks in WebView.Create on Windows and WebView functions.
- Fixed printer name matching for Printer.SetDefaultPrinter function.
- Fixed problem in DynaPDF functions where we set erroneously a default font for you (since v10.3).
- Fixed problem with Events.Item.RecurrenceRules expecting additional parameter.
- Fixed problem with script workspace where editing inline calculation would remove new line characters when updating coloring.
- Fixed problem with WebView.Create creating two web viewers with parameter zero.
- Fixed SyntaxColoring.GetScriptHighlightColor to return empty result if no color was set.
- Implemented WebView.RenderPDF for WebKit 2 for macOS with Safari 14 or newer.
- Improved App.GetDockBadgeLabel and App.SetDockBadgeLabel for iOS to not cause warning message.
- Improved cleanup for DynaPDF.Release.
- Improved column handling for Script ID column to align it right.
- Improved DragDrop functions for Windows to better draw transparent control. Changes of underlaying controls may look through, but not update live.
- Removed dependency to VCRuntime140_1.dll by avoiding some C++ functions. 10.4 needed that DLL.
- Renamed JS.Free to JS.Release for consistency. Old name stays valid.
- Updated CURL library to version 7.73.0.
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Updated freetype library to version 2.10.4.
- Updated LibXL to version 3.9.2.
- Updated OpenSSL to version 1.1.1h.
- Updated SQLAPI to version 5.1.3b3.
- Updated Xcode to version 12.1
New in version 10.4 New in version 11.0
More details in the Release notes and Announcement in blog.