Release notes for version 7.4 - 26th September 2017
New functions in 7.4 and Announcement in blog.
- Added functions for CoreML to use machine learning in FileMaker.
- Added ImageView commands to show picture (GIF with animation) on the layout.
- Added App.OpenFile for Mac to open file in FileMaker by script.
- Added AVAsset.TrackInfo function.
- Added AVPlayer.GetFinishedEvaluate, AVPlayer.GetFinishedFileName, AVPlayer.GetFinishedScriptName, AVPlayer.SetFinishedEvaluate and AVPlayer.SetFinishedScript.
- Added AVPlayer.GetProgressEvaluate, AVPlayer.GetProgressInterval, AVPlayer.SetProgressEvaluate and AVPlayer.SetProgressInterval to track progress when playing audio.
- Added AVRecorder.GetAutomaticallyAdjustsVideoMirroring, AVRecorder.GetVideoMirrored, AVRecorder.IsVideoMirroringSupported, AVRecorder.SetAutomaticallyAdjustsVideoMirroring and AVRecorder.SetVideoMirrored to mirror video on Mac/iOS.
- Added checks to ExecuteSQL to return error for ALTER TABLE and CREATE TABLE to remind you to use FM.ExecuteSQLOnIdle.
- Added Command-F shortcut to read the search fields for script and relation ship graph search boxes.
- Added Command-L shortcut to go to Go To Line box in script workspace.
- Added Copy Table Selection command for contextual menus and now copies also list in layout picker dialog.
- Added CoreImage.Detect.
- Added CSV functions: FM.InsertRecordCSV, List.CSVSplit and QuickList.CSVSplit.
- Added CUPS.GetJobIndex function.
- Added Dictionary.AddSQLRecord(s) function.
- Added DirectoryWatcher.ReleaseAll.
- Added DynaPDF.AddDeviceNProcessColorants, DynaPDF.AddDeviceNSeparations, DynaPDF.CreateDeviceNColorSpace, DynaPDF.CreateSeparationCS, DynaPDF.SetExtColorSpace, DynaPDF.SetExtFillColorSpace, DynaPDF.SetExtStrokeColorSpace and DynaPDF.SetSeparationInfo functions.
- Added DynaPDF.WriteFTextExRotated and DynaPDF.WriteStyledTextExRotated.
- Added EmailParser.HasHeader and EmailParser.HeaderValue functions to make header queries easier.
- Added FM.ExecuteSQL.LastSQL function to query last executed SQL command.
- Added GMImage.WriteToPDFContainer function.
- Added iOSApp functions to get notification on low memory, going to background, coming to foreground or significant time changes.
- Added iOSKeyboard functions.
- Added LDAP.SearchResult.AttributeValuesByName function.
- Added option in Text.TextToHTML to keep links in html.
- Added optional column to script workspace to show script IDs.
- Added optional columns to database design dialog for table/field IDs.
- Added optional parameter for FM.RunDataDesignReport to open report after creating it.
- Added ScriptWorkspace functions to work with the script workspace and list scripts, current tab and open script by name. This could be useful for tools using DDR and wanting to show the script.
- Added SerialPort.Clear, SerialPort.IsSuspended, SerialPort.Resume and SerialPort.Suspend.
- Added SQL_ATTR_CURSOR_TYPE as one of the options we pass from SQL connections down to all command objects.
- Added SQL.SQLite3.MemoryHighwater and SQL.SQLite3.MemoryUsed.
- Added stars to field ID list in database design window to highlight where we didn't find a neighbor ID.
- Added SyntaxColoring.GetBlackFieldPicker, SyntaxColoring.GetResizeFieldPicker, SyntaxColoring.GetShowFieldAndTableIDs, SyntaxColoring.GetShowScriptIDs, SyntaxColoring.SetBlackFieldPicker, SyntaxColoring.SetResizeFieldPicker, SyntaxColoring.SetShowFieldAndTableIDs and SyntaxColoring.SetShowScriptIDs.
- Added WebView.ClearSelection, WebView.Copy, WebView.Cut, WebView.Paste and WebView.SelectAll.
- Added WebView.Close function.
- Added Webview.Create function to create WebKit 1.x views to create PDFs/Images from website in FileMaker 16.
- Added WordFile.GetCaseless and WordFile.SetCaseless for case (in)sensitivity.
- Added XML.GetPathValue, XML.DeletePath and XML.SetPathValue functions.
- Added XML.ReadContainer and XML.ReadFile functions.
- Changed CURL functions to explicit flush output files after Perform finished.
- Changed DynaPDF.HighlightPattern to create highlight annotations instead of drawing rectangles.
- Changed Encryption functions to better handle NULL bytes.
- Changed Files.RenameFile to accept only file name as second parameter instead of file path for Windows. That was inconsistent to the Mac behavior where the name was enough.
- Changed function to return nothing in the plugin to return now variable with data type invalid. This allows you to differentiate between empty text and no value.
- Changed ImageCapture device dialog to automatically select device if there is only one.I
- Changed LDAP errors to include error number and message.
- Changed LDAP functions to default to protocol version 3 with UTF-8 as default encoding.
- Changed Linux plugin to include build number in SONAME field so OS can distinguish different versions better.
- Changed PDFKit.WriteToPath to now also use quartz filter.
- Changed PrintDialog.Enable to call PrintDialog.Install for you if needed.
- Changed script ID display to show ? if two scripts have same name and we don't know which ID is right.
- Changed WordFile.ReplaceTag to be case insensitive for ASCII characters.
- Enabled XML for GraphicsMagick for Mac as it's needed for SVG.
- Fixed bug in Barcode.Generate function with generating barcode without text.
- Fixed crash with CoreLocation and CLCircularRegion.
- Fixed errors when RunTask's streams are accessed and not opened.
- Fixed Folders.UserVideo to make it work on Windows.
- Fixed menu functions on Mac to use right font size when using bold/italic/underline font style.
- Fixed Runtask functions to no longer crash app for broken pipes.
- Implemented WebView.RenderImage for FileMaker 16 on macOS 10.13.
- Improved GMImage.Annotate to work in 5 different modes depending on what parameters you pass.
- Last SQL error is now stored per thread, so you can get right result for multiple scripts on server.
- Modernized CURL.GetCertInfo for newer CURL version.
- Optionally change field picker to be non-transparent black and have white on black table.
- Optionally make field picker resizable.
- Optionally make settings panels for popover, button bar and buttons resizable and black.
- Removed reference to /usr/local/lib folder for iOS plugin which made trouble for MDM app distribution.
- Slightly faster Audits when getting field/table IDs internally.
- Updated CURL Library to 7.55.1.
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Updated FSEvents for future.
- Updated SQLAPI to version 4.1.12.
- Updated SQLite to version 3.20.0.
- Updated to LibXL 3.8.1.
- Using DynaPDF.SetReplaceICCProfile for PDF/A conversion is now optional as we can use generic profiles if you don't provide ones.
New in version 7.3 New in version 7.5
More details in the Release notes and Announcement in blog.