Release notes for version 11.1 - 9th March 2021
New functions in 11.1 and Announcement in blog.
- Added IBAN functions to validate or calculate checksums.
- Added RegEx.DataDetector function.
- Added RegEx.Extract function.
- Added buttons for custom function dialog and to various calculation dialogs to check syntax or execute a test case.
- Added App.Exit to quit current FileMaker process. Allows to restart server scripting engine.
- Added Archive.CompressContainer function.
- Added Barcode.Modulo10Checksum function.
- Added checkbox for variable check in debugger to preferences dialog.
- Added CoreLocation.requestLocation for macOS 10.14 or newer.
- Added CoreLocation.requestTemporaryFullAccuracyAuthorization function for iOS.
- Added CoreLocation.requestWhenInUseAuthorization, CoreLocation.startUpdatingHeading and CoreLocation.dismissHeadingCalibrationDisplay for macOS 10.15 or newer.
- Added Dictionary.AddDictionary and Dictionary.FromJSON functions.
- Added DynaPDF.Table.SetCellStyledText function.
- Added emojis to the documentation to clearer show what items are supported for each platform.
- Added extra line to CURL debug log to indicate the version of MBS FileMaker Plugin, CURL library used and what OS is used and FileMaker application. See CURL.CreateDebugOutputFile and CURL.GetDebugAsText functions.
- Added Files.FileNameWithoutExtension function.
- Added FillColor and FillColorSpace options for DynaPDF.GetImage function.
- Added functions for iOS applications to catch URL requests: iOSApp.InstallOpenURLHandler, iOSApp.LastURL, iOSApp.SetDidOpenURLEvaluate and iOSApp.SetDidOpenURLScript.
- Added GMImage.SetLogEventMask and GMImage.IsLoggingEnabled functions.
- Added List.Find and QuickList.Find functions.
- Added Math.FormatNumber function.
- Added Math.NormInv function.
- Added new socket functions to set send/receive buffer size: Socket.GetReceiveBufferSize, Socket.GetSendBufferSize, Socket.SetReceiveBufferSize, Socket.SetSendBufferSize.
- Added option to have links to functions generated as Dash links.
- Added PageSize setting for PDFKit.SetPrintSetting and PDFKit.GetPrintSetting functions.
- Added Plugin.PrepareForUpdate function.
- Added QLPreviewPanel.GetEditingAllowed, QLPreviewPanel.SavedFiles, QLPreviewPanel.SetDismissTrigger and QLPreviewPanel.SetEditingAllowed functions to use markup editing of documents on iOS.
- Added Speech.Stop function.
- Added superscript and subscript support DynaPDF.ConvertStyledText and related functions.
- Added SyntaxColoring.GetCustomFunctionToolsEnabled and SyntaxColoring.SetCustomFunctionToolsEnabled functions.
- Added SyntaxColoring.GetFormulasWithDashLinks and SyntaxColoring.SetFormulasWithDashLinks functions.
- Added SyntaxColoring.SetDebuggerTooltipsEnabled and SyntaxColoring.GetDebuggerTooltipsEnabled functions to configure the new debugger tooltip feature.
- Added timeout for loop/if check to exit after 10 ms to avoid longer delays.
- Added Windows support for PKCS12.ShowDialog and X509.ShowDialog functions.
- Added Windows support for WebView.StopLoading function.
- Added XML.SetPathCData function.
- Applied SQLAPI patch for SQL Server precision for number types (Int64 vs. Numeric).
- Changed color for MBS function in Dark Mode to be a lighter blue.
- Changed DragDrop.RegisterDropTypes to use a better set of image pasteboard types to catch HEIF, too.
- Changed Script ID column for Script Workspace to be a few pixel wider.
- Changed ScriptWorkspace.OpenScript to remove search string for script search if script is not found.
- Changed variable check to disable for Script Workspace windows in the background.
- DynaPDF works with ZUGFeRD 2.1.1.
- Fixed a problem with a crash in CURL with SFTP with empty password or username.
- Fixed a text encoding problem with our built-in default rules for SyntaxColoring.FactoryDefaults, so they work better with asian languages.
- Fixed alpha channel handling for passing colors to GraphicsMagick functions.
- Fixed an issue where DragDrop.CreateWithControl and similar function would not position correctly if Dock is on the left side of the screen.
- Fixed an issue with searching umlauts with filter in ListDialog functions.
- Fixed bug in DynaPDF.SaveAndSignFileExt function.
- Fixed DragDrop.CreateWithControl to accept DX/DY on macOS, too.
- Fixed issue where Copy Script button won't work if script is open in a new window.
- Fixed memory leak in Archive.Content function.
- Fixed memory leak in CURL.GetResultAsEMailList function.
- Fixed memory leak in FM.SQL.JSONRecord and Matrix.JSONRecord functions.
- Fixed parameters for Matrix.Evaluate function.
- Fixed preferences dialog for Windows to show more text.
- Fixed problem in Math.FormatNumber with missing zero before decimal separator for small number.
- Fixed problem in QLPreviewPanel.Show function.
- Fixed rounding error with Time.Sleep function.
- Improved error message for Files.MoveToTrash when file to delete is in use.
- Improved ListDialog functions on Windows to not redraw list while filling it. A massive performance improvment!
- Reduced number of exported symbols in Windows DLLs.
- Rewrote SystemInfo.IsAdminUser function to work again on macOS.
- Rewrote Time.UnixTimeStamp function to work for dates before 1970 on Windows.
- Updated CURL library to version 7.75.0.
- Updated DukTape library for JavaScript functions to version 2.6.
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Updated dyncall library to version 1.2.
- Updated LCMS to version 2.12.
- Updated LibXL to version 3.9.4.
- Updated LibXML to version 2.9.10.
- Updated LibXSLT to version 1.1.34.
- Updated openssl to version 1.1.1i.
- Updated plugin SDK for version 19.2.
- Updated SQLAPI to version 5.1.4b5.
- Updated to Xcode 12.4.
New in version 11.0 New in version 11.2
More details in the Release notes and Announcement in blog.