Release notes for version 10.2 - 12th May 2020
New functions in 10.2 and Announcement in blog.
- Added JavaScript LibPhoneNumber example to validate and format phone numbers
- Added Mutex functions.
- Added AVAsset.ReleaseAll function.
- Added AVPlayer.SetTag and AVPlayer.GetTag functions.
- Added ColorPanel.GetVisible and ColorPanel.SetVisible functions.
- Added column and row names for Matrix functions.
- Added CoreML.Add2DArrayParameter function.
- Added CURL.GetHeaderAsJSON function.
- Added CURL.LoadLibrary function to load custom CURL library.
- Added CURL.Release and CURL.ReleaseAll functions. Marked CURL.Cleanup as deprecated.
- Added DynaPDF.AddButtonImage function.
- Added DynaPDF.ApplyShading, DynaPDF.CreateAxialShading, DynaPDF.CreateRadialShading and DynaPDF.PlaceSigFieldValidateIcon functions.
- Added ECKey.CanSign and ECKey.Valid functions.
- Added Expand parameter for ColorPanel.Choose function.
- Added FM.CurrentLayoutID, FM.CurrentLayoutName, FM.LayoutIDForLayoutName, FM.LayoutNameForLayoutID and FM.LayoutNames matching similar functions for scripts.
- Added GMImage.ReadFromContainer function.
- Added HotKey.SetPermanent and HotKey.GetPermanent functions.
- Added HotKey.SetScriptWorkspaceOnly and HotKey.GetScriptWorkspaceOnly functions.
- Added IDN support for MacOS with a pull request to CURL.
- Added ImagePicker.MediaMetadata function.
- Added JSON.AddArrayToArray function.
- Added JSON.SortWithEvaluate function to sort JSON objects or arrays with custom expression.
- Added List.CountValuesMatching, List.IndexOfFirstValueMatching, QuickList.CountValuesMatching and QuickList.IndexOfFirstValueMatching functions.
- Added List.SortWithEvaluate and QuickList.SortWithEvaluate functions to sort lists with custom expression.
- Added Matrix.Add function.
- Added Matrix.CopyColumn and Matrix.CopyRow functions.
- Added Matrix.Evaluate function.
- Added new file format parameter for DynaPDF.GetImage function.
- Added new preferences keys for WebView.SetPreferences: mediaDevicesEnabled and mediaStreamEnabled.
- Added ProgressDialog.SetTitleIcon function.
- Added SQL.GetFieldsAsJSON, SQL.GetParamsAsJSON, SQL.GetRecordsAsJSON and SQL.SetParamsWithJSON functions.
- Added SSH.Tunnel.GetKeepAlive and SSH.Tunnel.SetKeepAlive functions.
- Added view option for AVPlayer with AVPlayer.AddView function and related.
- Added WebView.GetInternetExplorerHiDPI and WebView.SetInternetExplorerHiDPI functions to enable proper resolution handling in web viewer on Windows.
- Added WebView.InstallUserMediaAccess function.
- Added XL.Book.GetCalcMode and XL.Book.SetCalcMode functions.
- Added XL.Sheet.CellIsStyledText, XL.Sheet.CellReadStyledText and XL.Sheet.CellWriteStyledText functions.
- Added XL.Sheet.GetColWidthPixel and XL.Sheet.GetRowHeightPixel functions.
- Added XL.Sheet.RemovePicture and XL.Sheet.RemovePictureByIndex functions.
- Added XML.Compact function.
- Adjusted log path for Linux plugin.
- Changed CGImageSource.SetProperty to write new metadata dictionaries.
- Changed Colorpanel script trigger / evaluate to not run while panel is invisible.
- Changed CURL.FormAddKeyText and CURL.FormAddKeyTextContentType to use UTF-8 as default encoding.
- Changed default text encoding for email parsing on Linux to be Windows encoding to avoid endless loop in plugin SDK text routines.
- Changed idle waiting to work better for WebView.RunJavaScript.
- Changed iOSApp functions to store setting in preferences, so they are restored when app is killed and restarted.
- Changed JSON to format numbers without trailing zeros. Numbers parsed or given as text are still passed through as is.
- Changed Linux plugin to load libidn2 dynamically at runtime. If this works, you can use domain names in unicode characters.
- Changed Linux plugin to use ISO 8859-1 for text strings, which have native encoding, but are not UTF-8.
- Changed PKCS7.ReadFromFile to better report error messages from OpenSSL.
- Changed plugin to load LDAP library dynamically.
- Changed ProgressDialog functions to show more text if needed by doing two lines.
- Changed SQL functions to return SQL date/time/timestamp to FileMaker in that type and not always as timestamp. This may help to get SQL.InsertOrUpdateRecords to work with time, date and timestamp.
- Changed XML.ValidateFile to accept schema as XML file path.
- Enabled SSPI, Kerberos 5 and SPNEGO for CURL functions on Windows.
- Enhanced layout sorting to work for items not in a folder.
- Fixed a crash with variable checking in script workspace for FileMaker 19.
- Fixed a problem on Windows with Time.Format and time zones.
- Fixed a problem with CNContact.Name function and non fetched keys.
- Fixed a problem with JSON number handling where sometimes it could happen that a number starting with 0. has no leading 0.
- Fixed a problem with SQL Plugin and OLE DB when fetching 64-bit integers fail or last row values are not returned.
- Fixed an issue with calculation formatting for next FileMaker version.
- Fixed an issue with WebView.GetPlainText and WebView.GetHTMLText not working with frame.
- Fixed bug with Printer.PrinterInfo function returning value for NSDeviceIsPrinter parameter.
- Fixed bug with Window.Scrollbar.getHorizontalMaximum and Window.Scrollbar.getVerticalMaximum functions picking wrong scroll view if you switched to layout mode.
- Fixed CNContact.SetValue and related to accept numbers for date component values, e.g. to set birthday.
- Fixed crash in DynaPDF.ParseContent function.
- Fixed EmailParser.MessageID, CURL.GetResultAsEmail and CURL.GetResultAsEMailList to trim message IDs, so no space is in front.
- Fixed ImagePicker.SetOverlayImage to have overlay work properly when rotating the device.
- Fixed problem in SmartCard.ReadFile with MacOS Catalina.
- Fixed problem with exception coming from ImagePicker.Present function.
- Fixed problem with handle not closed for SharedMemory functions on Windows.
- Fixed problem with returning data in MetaDataQuery.ResultAtIndex function.
- Fixed problem with SQL Plugin and passing Int64 as parameter for a prepared statement for ODBC with servers not supporting 64bit directly.
- Fixed syntax coloring to work with custom fonts.
- For Audit.Changed and Audit.Changed2 you can now customize AuditLog table name. The table name parameter can be a list and include first the table name for the table to check and second the name of the audit table name. If second is empty, we default to AuditLog.
- Improved performance for EventMonitor functions on Windows to avoid problems moving the mouse.
- Improved script font size to also change font for buttons like fields.
- Improved threading for Barcode functions.
- Updated CURL to version 7.70.0.
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Updated LibXL to version 3.9.
- Updated OpenSSL to version 1.1.1g.
- Updated SQLAPI to version 5.0.6.
New in version 10.1 New in version 10.3
More details in the Release notes and Announcement in blog.