Release notes for version 12.1 - 15th March 2022
New functions in 12.1 and Announcement in blog.
- Added auto complete for MBS function names
- Added parameter names for trace logs.
- Added WinPhotoAcquire functions.
- Add column width saving for Layout Picker dialog.
- Added Apple Silicon for iOS Simulator version of MBS FileMaker Plugin.
- Added Audit.Statistics function.
- Added CNContact.HasValue function.
- Added CNContactStore.FetchContact function.
- Added ContinuityCamera.Initialize function.
- Added darkMode parameter for XML.Colorize and JSON.Colorize function.
- Added Dialog.SetTextAlignment and Dialog.GetTextAlignment functions to use left text alignment for dialogs on macOS.
- Added Dictionary.Lookup function.
- Added DynaPDF.GetSpaceWidthFactor and DynaPDF.SetSpaceWidthFactor functions.
- Added Files.AudioCoverArt function
- Added flag value 8 for FM.SQL.JSONColumn, Matrix.JSONRecord, Matrix.JSONRecords, FM.SQL.JSONRecord and FM.SQL.JSONRecords to return containers as JSON objects with data, size and name.
- Added flags to FM.SQL.Field function to return containers as base64 or just their file name.
- Added FM.QueryCustomFunctionsList and FM.CustomFunctionsList function.
- Added GUID (or CLSID) as type for WIA.SetDevicePropertyValue and WIA.SetItemPropertyValue function.
- Added links in formulas for our components if the function name is mistyped.
- Added math functions: Math.Average, Math.Max, Math.Median, Math.Min, Math.Multiply, Math.Reciprocal, Math.StandardDeviation, and Math.Sum.
- Added MBS version number to our contextual menu.
- Added new example database for ZUGFeRD in FileMaker.
- Added new flag for XML.ToJSON to include namespaces.
- Added PageSetupDialog.Reset and PrintDialog.Reset functions.
- Added parameter as optional parameter for HotKey.SetScript function to overwrite default parameter.
- Added PDF/A 2u and PDF/A 3u for DynaPDF.CheckConformance function.
- Added Plugin.GetFunctionParameters function.
- Added PrintDialog.GetPrintType function.
- Added PrintToFile parameter to Printer.Print function.
- Added proper error messages for sockets on Windows.
- Added subscript and superscript to RichText functions.
- Added SyntaxColoring.AutoCompleteFunctions.GetEnabled, SyntaxColoring.AutoCompleteFunctions.SetEnabled, SyntaxColoring.AutoCompleteParameters.GetEnabled and SyntaxColoring.AutoCompleteParameters.SetEnabled functions.
- Added SyntaxColoring.ColorizeScript function.
- Added Text.Reverse function, which handles emojis correctly.
- Added tooltips for MBS functions to show parameters in calculation dialog.
- Added type parameter for WIA.SetItemPropertyValue function.
- Added WebHook.GetMaximumRequestSize and WebHook.SetMaximumRequestSize functions.
- Added WebRequest.GetBodySize and WebRequest.GetSize functions.
- Added WebView.HasParent function.
- Added Window.ClearCloseTrigger and Window.SetCloseTrigger function.
- Changed Archive functions to enable UTF-8 support by default, so asian characters work well.
- Changed auto complete to no longer add an extra trailing underscore character to a variable.
- Changed DynaPDF.ConvertStyledText to handle .AppleSystemUIFont better and map to system font.
- Changed Menu functions for Windows to make more room to show full text of menuitem when using different font sizes.
- Changed output field of our text field in calculation tools to allow text selection, so you can copy it.
- Changed script colors to make selected line black (white for Dark Mode) for better readability.
- Changed trace to show license key in clear text if the license key is too short, so you may notice it.
- Deprecated CURL.SetOptionSSLEngine and CURL.SetOptionSSLEngineDefault functions since you don't need those ever.
- Disabled debug logging for WordFile functions. Sorry for leaving that on.
- Fixed a memory leak on Windows for WebHook functions.
- Fixed a problem with auto complete where it would prevent custom functions with underscore didn't show up for auto complete.
- Fixed a problem with tunnel in SSH functions, where SSH.Tunnel.Cancel didn't end the tunnel quickly in some cases.
- Fixed a problem with XML.Query, where the first only flag was not handled correctly.
- Fixed an edge case for underscore variables conflicting in auto complete with field names using underscores.
- Fixed an issue in WebHook.Listen not working on Windows.
- Fixed an issue with auto completing $~ variables.
- Fixed an issue with fonts and GMImage.Annotate for iOS.
- Fixed an issue with JSON.GetDoubleValue and related functions not passing number back with comma (and used dot) where comma would be appropriated. Broken in 12.0.
- Fixed an issue with SQLAPI with a crash in SAMutex class on thread synchronization on macOS, iOS and Linux.
- Fixed bugs in Audit.Changed when using repetition fields.
- Fixed code to add table occurrence prefixes to skip tilde and cent variable names.
- Fixed CURL.OpenInputFile to stream files over 1 GB again.
- Fixed parameters for XL.Sheet.AutoFilter.SetCustomFilter and XL.Sheet.AutoFilter.GetCustomFilter.
- Fixed possible crash in WordFile.Substitute function.
- Fixed PrintDialog.GetDestinationPath function.
- Fixed problem with DynaPDF.Table.SetCellImageEx not passing JPEG preview for WMF image on MacOS.
- Improved the feature where we colorize parts of a MBS function name in red/blue whether the part is valid to work for 3 component function names.
- Rewrote Text.RemoveControlCharacters, Text.ConvertUnicodeToCharacterDecomposition and Text.ConvertUnicodeToCharacterComposition functions to preserve text styles.
- Updated CURL to version 7.82.0.
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Updated LCMS library to version 2.13.1.
- Updated Method-Draw example to newer version, so it works in FileMaker 19.4 on Windows.
- Updated SQLAPI to version 5.1.9.
- Updated SQLite to version 3.38.1.
- Updated Xcode to version 13.2.1.
New in version 12.0 New in version 12.2
More details in the Release notes and Announcement in blog.