Release notes for version 13.0 - January 2023
New functions in 13.0 and Announcement in blog.
- Added WebSocket support for CURL functions.
- Added functions to watch changes in MongoDB: MongoDB.ChangeStreamErrorDocument, MongoDB.ChangeStreamResumeToken, MongoDB.CloseChangeStream, MongoDB.NextChange, MongoDB.WatchClient, MongoDB.WatchCollection and MongoDB.WatchDatabase.
- Added example database for SMTP with OAuth for Office 365 in FileMaker.
- Add PATCH support for CURL.SetupAWS function.
- Added AppleScript.List function.
- Added AVExport.List function.
- Added AVPlayer.List function.
- Added AVRecorder.List function.
- Added BinaryFile.List function.
- Added CFunction.List and CLibrary.List functions.
- Added CGImageSource.List function.
- Added checkbox to preferences dialog for code folding and for export dialog tooltips.
- Added checkbox to preferences dialog on Windows for relationship search box.
- Added checkbox to preferences dialog to control the option-click feature in Script Workspace.
- Added checkbox to preferences dialog to control the syntax highlighting for formulas independent of scripts.
- Added control-F shortcut for Relationship search field on Windows to move focus to the search field. Press control-G to search next.
- Added CoreML.List function.
- Added CURL.GetDebugMessages to replace deprecated CURL.GetDebugAsText, but old name will stay around for a long time.
- Added CURL.GetHeaders to replace deprecated CURL.GetHeaderAsText.
- Added CURL.SetOptionCACacheTimeout and CURL.SetOptionQuickExit functions.
- Added CURL.SetOptionWebSocketOptions, CURL.WebSocketReceive and CURL.WebSocketSend functions.
- Added DNSLookup.List function.
- Added DynaPDF.CreateICCBasedColorSpace and DynaPDF.CreateICCBasedColorSpaceContainer.
- Added DynaPDF.GetPageField and DynaPDF.GetPageFieldAnnotation functions.
- Added DynaPDF.Table.List function.
- Added DynaPDF.TestGlyphs function.
- Added ECKey.List function.
- Added Events.Event.EventIdentifier function.
- Added find and go to line commands to contextual menu for ScriptWorkspace to make them more visible.
- Added fontname and fontsize as keys for the XML for Menu.DefineQuickMenuXML function. Now works for submenus, too.
- Added FSEvents.List function.
- Added ImageView.List function.
- Added iOSApp.GetDidBecomeActiveScript, iOSApp.GetDidEnterBackgroundScript, iOSApp.GetDidReceiveMemoryWarningScript, iOSApp.GetSignificantTimeChangeScript, iOSApp.GetWillEnterForegroundScript and iOSApp.GetWillResignActiveScript functions.
- Added Java.List function.
- Added JavaScript.List function.
- Added JSON.Text function.
- Added LDAP.List function.
- Added MapView.List function.
- Added MarkDown.List function.
- Added MetaDataQuery.List function.
- Added new flags parameter to FM.SQL.CSV and Matrix.CSV.
- Added new Get() function names in FileMaker 19.6 for our links in calculations.
- Added new option to XML.Compact and XML.Format to skip the ?xml line with version details.
- Added option key for code folding to decide whether we fold until next Else or End If.
- Added PDFKit.List function.
- Added PKCS7.List, PKCS12.List and PKey.List functions.
- Added PortMidi.List function.
- Added recursive parameter to Menu.FindItemWithTag and Menu.FindItemWithTitle functions.
- Added RichText.CopyToClipboard and RichText.ReadFromClipboard functions.
- Added SerialPort.GetTag and SerialPort.SetTag functions.
- Added SerialPort.Path function.
- Added Shell.GetTag and Shell.SetTag functions.
- Added Shell.List function.
- Added special handling in LDAP functions for returning objectSid and objectGUID values in order to return them formatted.
- Added SSH.List function.
- Added SyntaxColoring.GetExportTooltipsEnabled and SyntaxColoring.SetExportTooltipsEnabled functions.
- Added TouchBar.List function.
- Added UNNotification.List function.
- Added WebRequest.GetMode function.
- Added WhitespaceHeight, GuardDescent and WarnLevel options for Barcode.GenerateJSON functions.
- Added Windows support for ProcessActivity.beginActivity function.
- Added WMFP.List function.
- Added WordFile.List function.
- Added X509.List function.
- Added XL.List function.
- Added XL.Sheet.ReadCellsAsMatrix function to copy cell values into a new matrix.
- Adjusted maximum object counts. Now DynaPDF.Table.Create can have 10000 tables at the same time in memory.
- Changed context menu command to show "sort descending" only when you press option key. Without option key we sort ascending.
- Changed DynaPDF.Initialize function to return an error, if the license key contains invalid characters on the beginning.
- Changed Files.DeleteFolder for Linux to do recursive deletion.
- Changed FM.SQL.Text and FM.SQL.CSV functions to return empty text if there are no rows and no row parameter.
- Changed font popup in preferences dialog to list monospace fonts first.
- Changed JPEG loader for GMImage.NewFromContainer, GMImage.NewFromFile and related to not stop loading of an image on a warning.
- Changed JSON parser to skip non breaking spaces like regular spaces.
- Changed JSON.SetPathItem to do nothing if value is empty (like v12.4 and before).
- Changed minimum iOS version for deployment to iOS 12.0.
- Changed search field in ScriptWorkspace to be a real search field with history menu.
- Changed variable check to disable while scrolling on macOS Ventura with multi line comments in use to avoid layout trouble.
- Deprecated CURL.GetProtocol function.
- Deprecated CURL.SetOptionEGDSocket, CURL.SetOptionSSLEnableNPN, CURL.SetOptionSocks5GSSAPIService and CURL.SetOptionRandomFile functions.
- Deprecated CURL.SetOptionProtocols in favor of CURL.SetOptionProtocolsString function.
- Deprecated CURL.SetOptionRedirProtocols in favor of CURL.SetOptionRedirProtocolsString function.
- Deprecated DynaPDF.ExtractPageRectText and DynaPDF.ExtractPageText functions in favor of DynaPDF.ExtractText function.
- Deprecated FM.GetDictionary and FM.GetDictionaryList functions.
- Deprecated Proj functions.
- Deprecated SyntaxColoring.LineNumbers.Disable, SyntaxColoring.LineNumbers.Enable, SyntaxColoring.LineNumbers.Enabled, SyntaxColoring.LineNumbers.GetColor and SyntaxColoring.LineNumbers.SetColor functions.
- Fixed a bug in LDAP.Search passing attribute names on macOS.
- Fixed a crash in JSON function when parsing invalid JSON code, broken in 12.5 while fixing another bug.
- Fixed a memory leak in LDAP.AddJSON and LDAP.ModifyJSON and added additional checks for the passed in JSON.
- Fixed a problem with iOS plugins missing the version number.
- Fixed a problem with macOS using same class name for a class as MBS. This may lead to a crash if one side tries to use the class and gets the one from the other side. We renamed our classes.
- Fixed a problem with shifting text to left or right in first row of a calculation.
- Fixed a problem with SQL.InsertOrUpdateRecords not finding the primary key field.
- Fixed a problem with text jumping down when coloring in calculations.
- Fixed a problem with XL.Book.AddSheet function not passing correct name each time.
- Fixed an issue with relationship search box not hidden correctly when switching tabs.
- Fixed bugs for search field for relationship graph on Windows.
- Fixed PrintDialog.GetLastSettings to not return an error if there are no print settings yet.
- Fixed problem passing field index to DynaPDF.FlattenAnnotOrField function.
- Fixed problem with Schedule functions with storing result from evaluate.
- Fixed Shell.ExitCode to work better on Linux.
- Fixed Window.PositionNextDialog to work on Windows with the progress dialog shown by Insert From URL script step.
- Fixed XL.Sheet.SetColumn and XL.Sheet.SetRow to better.
- Improved Files.MoveFile on Linux to allow you to specify a folder as destination.
- Improved our link detection for comment lines in ScriptWorkspace to better work with new line and all unicode space characters.
- Improved Vision.SupportedRecognitionLanguages to report more languages.
- Linux for ARM 64-bit now is compiled with C++11 standard library.
- Optimized initialization to log better if something gets wrong to help debugging.
- Removed syntax coloring support for FileMaker 13 and older since our plugin doesn't run there any more (since we moved to 64-bit only).
- Updated CURL library to version 7.87.0.
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Updated for Claris Pro v40.1.
- Updated GraphicsMagick to version 1.3.38.
- Updated Plugin SDK or FileMaker 19.6.
- Updated SQLAPI to version 5.2.3.
- Updated SQLite to version 3.40.0.
- Updated Xcode to version 14.2.
- Updated zint library to version 2.11.1. Barcode text may be bigger.
- Updated zlib to version 1.2.13.
New in version 12.5 New in version 13.1
More details in the Release notes and Announcement in blog.