MBS FileMaker Plugin - LibXL

LibXL is an independent product for reading/writing Excel files for crossplatform projects.

MBS Plugins can use LibXL to provide Excel file handling functions.

Documentation: XL Functions in MBS FileMaker Plugin.

Blog articles

Order LibXL License for MBS Plugin

Please order licenses for the platforms you use.

Library for Excel functions Price Euro Price USD
LibXL macOS 199 € about $219 Order Update
LibXL Windows 199 € about $219 Order Update
LibXL Linux 199 € about $219 Order Update
LibXL iOS 199 € about $219 Order Update
LibXL Enterprise 1099 € about $1199 Order Update
LibXL Enterprise + Source 2499 € about $2799 Order Update

Linux is the platform for FileMaker Cloud for AWS. iOS version is for use with FileMaker iOS SDK. It won't work with FileMaker Go directly, but FileMaker Go can use Perform Script on Server.

The enterprise license covers:

  • Multiple developers.
  • Multiple server license.
  • Windows, Linux, Mac, and iOS platforms.
  • Priority technical support by LibXL support team.

If you buy through those links above, we receive a commission and get notified about your purchase, so we can email you instructions for Xojo/FileMaker and provide assistance if needed.

Direct reading and writing Excel files

LibXL is a library that can read and write Excel files. It doesn't require Microsoft Excel and .NET framework, combines an easy to use and powerful features. Library can be used to

  • Generate a new spreadsheet from scratch
  • Extract data from an existing spreadsheet
  • Edit an existing spreadsheet
LibXL can help your applications in exporting and extracting data to/from Excel files with minimum effort. Also it can be used as report engine. Library can be used in Xojo, FileMaker, C, C++, C#, Delphi, Fortran and other languages. Supports Excel 97-2003 binary formats (xls) and Excel 2007-2016 xml formats (xlsx/xlsm). Supports Unicode and 32/64-bit platforms. There are a wrapper for .NET developers and separate Linux, Mac and iOS editions. See features of the library in demo.xls or demo.xlsx files.

Simple interoperate, no more Excel dependency

LibXL has C/C++ headers, Delphi unit and .NET assembly for including in your project. No OLE automation.

Customizing the look and feel

LibXL supports numerous formatting options: alignments, borders, colors, fill patterns, fonts, merging cells and so on. alignments, borders, colors, fonts.

Sample Styles

High performance

Writing speed is about 2 100 000 cells per second for numbers and 240 000 cells per second for 8-character random strings in binary xls format (CPU 3.2 GHz).

Royalty-free distribution with your application

Our customers can use this library in their commercial applications without any additional fees.

Release Notes