Release notes for version 7.0 - 23rd January 2017
New functions in 7.0 and Announcement in blog.
- Added functions to read PKCS12 and X509 certificates.
- Added checks to Audit function to complain if AuditLog layout does not have required fields.
- Added DynaPDF.AddAnnotToPage and DynaPDF.WatermarkAnnot functions.
- Added DynaPDF.GetContent and DynaPDF.SetContent.
- Added DynaPDF.PageLink and DynaPDF.PageLinkEx functions.
- Added DynaPDF.RotateTemplate function.
- Added DynaPDF.SetLinkHighlightMode and DynaPDF.GetLinkHighlightMode functions.
- Added DynaPDF.Print.GetDevMode, DynaPDF.Print.GetDevNames, DynaPDF.Print.SetDevMode and DynaPDF.Print.SetDevNames.
- Added FM.AllowFileDragDrop function.
- Added FM.SQL.Text and FM.SQL.CSV.
- Added functions for batch download of files over FTP: CURL.GetBatchCurrentFileName, CURL.GetBatchCurrentFilePath, CURL.GetBatchDestinationPath, CURL.GetBatchFileNames and CURL.SetBatchDestinationPath.
- Added GMImage.DestroyAll function.
- Added LDAP.AddRecord and LDAP.ModifyRecord functions.
- Added more checks in CURL functions to avoid changing script triggers while transfer in use.
- Added PortMidi.TimeStamp, PortMidi.GetDeviceID and PortMidi.GetDeviceName functions.
- Added PrintDialog.GetPageNumberingOffset and PrintDialog.SetPageNumberingOffset.
- Added PrintDialog.GetReset and PrintDialog.SetReset.
- Added progress window option to Files.CopyFile and Files.MoveFile for Windows.
- Added ScriptName to the possible field names for Audit.
- Added scripts to make 32-bit or 64-bit only plugin.
- Added SerialPort.HasLine and SerialPort.ReadLine functions.
- Added WordFile.RemoveTableRow function.
- Added XML helper functions: XML.ExtractText, XML.NodeNames, XML.SetVariables, XML.ListAttributes, XML.HasAttributes, XML.GetAttributes and XML.SubTree.
- Added XML.NodeCount function.
- Added SmartCard.PerformSignature and SmartCard.ReadCertificate to handle a few card readers easier.
- Changed Audit: CurrentTimeStamp, CurrentTime and CurrentDate. Those can now be TimeStamp, Time, Date instead of Text fields.
- Changed Audit: FieldID, TableID and RecordID can now be number fields instead of text fields.
- Changed ImageCapture.requestScan to better report errors, e.g. empty document feeder.
- Changed returning text, so that many functions returning text with given encoding can now return hex and base64 if you pass hex or base64 as encoding.
- Changed SQL plugin to detect ODBC to FileMaker and handle that better for reading text fields and avoid a crash.
- Changed WordFile.ReplaceTag to create multiple paragraphs if text to replace contains multiple lines and is part of a normal text paragraph.
- Enabled script colors for German script editor for FileMaker 13 (broke in 6.5).
- Fixed issue on Windows with LDAP.Search and using attribute list.
- Fixed a crash with opening Midi devices on Windows in 64-bit application.
- Fixed a problem with WordFile not finding tag if it is the last text in a document.
- Fixed an issue with PDFKit functions not applying password to new PDF. Now this works.
- Fixed an issue with PrintDialog functions and Mac OS X 10.6.
- Fixed bug in XML.canonical function.
- Fixed FieldType for Audit.
- Fixed PrintDialog.SetDuplex function (broken in 6.5).
- Fixed progress dialog updates for macOS Sierra with CURL synchronous upload.
- Fixed ServerSocket Query with large data blocks.
- Fixed WebView.EstimatedProgress.
- Made SendHeader parameter optional for SmartCard.Transmit.
- Optimized a couple of SQL functions to handle repetitions for global fields better.
- SmartCard functions now work on Server.
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Updated LibXL to version 3.7.2.
- Updated SQLite to 3.16.2.
New in version 6.5 New in version 7.1
More details in the Release notes and Announcement in blog.