Release notes for version 12.5 - 8th November 2022
New functions in 12.5 and Announcement in blog.
- Added a search field for relationship graph on Windows for European languages.
- Added PhotoPicker functions to show newer image picker on iOS.
- Added MongoDB.StartTransaction, MongoDB.CommitTransaction, MongoDB.InTransaction, MongoDB.AbortTransaction and MongoDB.TransactionState functions.
- Added algorithm and DecodeBase32 parameters to TOTP.Calculate function.
- Added App.GetFocussedWindowTitle function.
- Added BigEndian flag to BinaryFile.WriteInt and BinaryFile.ReadInt functions.
- Added command-[ and command-] shortcuts for macOS for text views, so you can indent text of formulas.
- Added Files.IsReadOnly and Files.SetReadOnly functions for Windows.
- Added FM.SQL.List, JSON.List, Matrix.List, MongoDB.List and XML.List functions.
- Added LDAP.SetBinaryKeys and LDAP.GetBinaryKeys functions.
- Added macOS support for CNContact.Show to show contact as popover.
- Added Matrix.ConvertDataType function.
- Added Matrix.SetColumnNames and Matrix.SetRowNames functions.
- Changed code folding to collapse If to the next else.
- Changed comment URLs to add current file name for URLs starting with "fmp://$/?".
- Changed custom WebViewer to put it back if FileMaker rebuilds the layout. No longer need Window.SetCloseTrigger to trigger a script to do this.
- Changed duplicate search for script workspace to skip separators.
- Changed minimum iOS version for deployment to iOS 12.0.
- Changed plugin to work with Claris Server.
- Changed TOTP.Calculate function to return number with zeros on front.
- Changed URL comments for ScriptWorkspace to encode unicode characters if needed.
- Changed WebHook.Listen to allow passing zero as port number to pick a random port, which you then query via WebHook.GetPort.
- Changed XML.ToJSON to better convert single values, which are boolean or number and not just text.
- Disabled code folding for FileMaker 15 and older.
- Disabled debug logging left over in CoreML.Update function.
- Disabled debug logging left over in RegEx.DataDetector function.
- Fixed a bug in Matrix.Add and Matrix.Multiply.
- Fixed a but in XL.CopySheet, where it failed if the sheet didn't have a name.
- Fixed a problem in Internal SQLite Library for new changes64 function.
- Fixed a problem in SyntaxColoring.Format function.
- Fixed a problem in XML.SetVariables and long variable names.
- Fixed a problem showing IDs for scripts, layouts and value lists for Claris Pro.
- Fixed a problem with Claris Pro not loading the plugin.
- Fixed a problem with JSON.IsValid accepting garbage characters behind parsing.
- Fixed a problem with restoring custom WebViewers with WebView.Create.
- Fixed a regression in JSON.GetPathItem and JSON.SetPathItem to restore functionality, where you just grab an array item with just an index.
- Fixed bug in coloring field names with underscore character.
- Fixed bug in DynaPDF.AppendImagePage, where we missed last image in a multi image picture.
- Fixed crash if text is missing in JSON for Barcode.GenerateJSON function.
- Fixed issue with our script ID display hiding the script name.
- Fixed JSON.Colorize to work better with color for keys in nested objects.
- Fixed problem in JSON.GetStringValue crashing for invalid JSON.
- Fixed problem in linux plugin preventing it to load in Claris Server.
- Fixed problem in WordFile.ReplaceTag with all = true, where it returned error, but replaced tags.
- Fixed problem with DragDrop.GetFileDescriptor not working in v12.4.
- Fixed XL.Format.SetNumFormat and related functions to not crash if you pass an invalid format number.
- Implemented ProgressDialog functions for iOS.
- Implemented WebView.ClearSelection for WebKit 2 on macOS.
- Improved Auto Complete to remove duplicates in MBS function list.
- Improved EmailParser.HTMLToPlainText function to better handle comments in html and div tags.
- Improved EventMonitor functions for Windows to recognize better 3rd, 4th or 5th mouse button.
- Improved URL detection in Script Workspace to recognize fmp19:// URLs.
- Updated CURL to version 7.86.0.
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Updated LCMS library to version 2.14.
- Updated openssl to version 1.1.1s.
- Updated SQLAPI to version 5.2.2.
- Updated SQLite to version 3.39.4.
- Updated Xcode to version 14.0.1.
New in version 12.4 New in version 13.0
More details in the Release notes and Announcement in blog.