Release notes for version 12.2 - 17th May 2022
New functions in 12.2 and Announcement in blog.
- Added links in calculation dialogs for get functions to point to FileMaker documentation.
- Added AsArray flag 4 for Matrix.JSONRecord and Matrix.JSONRecords functions.
- Added ClearErrors and HadErrors functions.
- Added Clipboard.GetPDF and Clipboard.SetPDF functions.
- Added JavaScript.CallFunction, JavaScript.GetPropertyJSON and JavaScript.SetPropertyJSON functions.
- Added JavaScript.CF function for using this JavaScript engine for custom functions, too.
- Added Menu and MenuSet as types for Clipboard.DetectFileMakerDataType function.
- Added new optional RootTableName parameter for JSON.Import function.
- Added new parameter for JavaScript.New to name the instance.
- Added new parameter to replace new lines in the list with replacement text for Matrix.GetColumn, Matrix.GetRow and Matrix.GetText functions.
- Added SchemaCacheFlushed counter for Audit.Statistics function to show how often we flushed the table cache.
- Added WordFile.Tags function.
- Changed App.SetDockIcon to allow passing empty value to clear image.
- Changed Container.GetBase64 and Container.GetHex to return main container item if no index is passed.
- Changed DynaPDF.ReplacePattern to fallback to Courier (fixed pitch), Times (serif) or Helvetica as font.
- Changed PDFKit.Combine to ignore empty value in parameters.
- Changed SharedMemory.GetValue to trim trailing zero bytes.
- Changed Text.AppendTextFile, Text.WriteToContainer and Text.WriteTextFile to allow writing BOM character.
- Changed XML.NodeNames to return names in order of appearance.
- Changed XML.SetPathValue to create text note if needed.
- Deprecated Barcode.Detect in favor of Barcode.Scan function.
- DynaPDF has been updated and tested to work with ZUGFeRD 2.2 / Factur-X 1.0.06.
- Extended the menu for script list in script workspace and added sort commands.
- Fixed a problem with Dialog.SetTextAlignment and FileMaker 18 causing an out of bounds exception.
- Fixed a problem with high unicode character encodings for Text.TextToHTML function.
- Fixed an edge case for Files.FileNameWithoutExtension, where the path contains no slashes.
- Fixed an edge case in EmailParser functions where file name got an extra space in front.
- Fixed DynaPDF.AttachFileContainer to allow PDF containers to be attached.
- Fixed Files.List to better check directory status on macOS using alternative code path.
- Fixed Files.Mount to return correct path when mounting to a folder.
- Fixed issue with XL.Sheet.CellWriteText to allow you to pass empty value to not change format.
- Fixed problem in DynaPDF.GetInPDFVersionEx and DynaPDF.GetPDFVersionEx not always returning the data.
- Fixed problem with DynaPDF.CheckConformance not parsing options right, e.g. for DefaultPDFA3.
- Fixed WebView.ClearSelection to work with Edge based WebViewer on Windows.
- Fixed WebView.SetInternetExplorerVersion and WebView.SetInternetExplorerHiDPI to return OK on success instead of the new setting as documented.
- Implemented DialogModifications functions for iOS to customize some error messages in FileMaker iOS application.
- Improved Audit to only query metadata for required tables instead of all as that should be faster.
- Improved CURL.SetProgressScript to not fire too often.
- Improved exception handling for SQL functions.
- Improved performance for scrolling in Script Workspace when debugger tooltips are enabled.
- Improved trace logging for macOS to replace newsline for console output to have LF instead of CR for line endings.
- Improved WebHook functions to work better with mixed IPv4 and IPv6 networks.
- Marked FM.ExecuteSQL as deprecated in favor of newer FM.ExecuteFileSQL function.
- Marked FM.ExecuteSQLOnIdle as deprecated in favor of newer FM.ExecuteFileSQLOnIdle function.
- Optimized List.CSVSplit, QuickList.CSVSplit and Matrix.CSVSplit to better handle lonely quotes in quoted strings.
- Optimized Schedule functions to be faster if there is no schedule to run.
- Rewrote Window.ConfigureToolbarMenu for macOS 12 to make it work again.
- Updated CURL to version 7.83.1.
- Updated DukTape library for JavaScript functions to version 2.7.
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Updated openssl to version 1.1.1n.
- Updated SQLite to version 3.38.5.
- Updated Text.FilterASCII, Text.RemoveAccents and Text.RemoveAccentsCaseInsensitive functions to recognize more characters like ½.
- Updated to Xcode 13.3.1.
New in version 12.1 New in version 12.3
More details in the Release notes and Announcement in blog.