Release notes for version 2.8 - 7th August 2012
- Added Audit functions.
- Added UserNotification functions for Mac OS X 10.8.
- Added RemoteControl functions.
- Added WebDownloadDelegate.SetFolder, WebDownloadDelegate.GetFolder and WebDownloadDelegate.ClearFolder functions.
- Added Files.CopyFile, Files.MoveFile and Files.MoveToTrash.
- Added String.AppendTextFile function.
- Added CURL.GetInputAsText function. (For Email with Attachments example)
- Added Files.RenameFile.
- Added more SystemInfo functions.
- Added Window.Update command.
- Added RemoteControl.GetWindowsList
- Added Window.GetClassName
- Added Preferences.GetTextSelectionWithDragAndDrop and Preferences.SetTextSelectionWithDragAndDrop.
- Added Window.Activate function.
- Added DisableFunction function.
- Added new parameter to Window.HideScrollbars to disable our resize event watcher.
- Added Window functions to query left, top, width and height.
- Added Files.List function
- Form utility improved: Avoids black input fields, shows HTML code, shows options for select fields and updates URL field to current URL. And code signed for Mountain Lion.
- Fixed problem with CURL.AddInputPNG.
- Fixed a bug in a Mac function which verified window references so you once again can work on multiple windows and not just the front window.
- Fixed Window.SetAlpha to return errors on Windows correctly.
- Fixed crash with Path.FilemakerPathToNativePath on Windows.
- Fixed bug on Mac in Webviewer callback handler. Please check that your projects will work.
- Changed Path.FilemakerPathToNativePath to also remove filemac:, filewin: and file: prefixes.
- Ported project to Xcode 4.4 on Mac OS X 10.8. We only had to update screen functions.
- With backdrop window on Mac we hide other apps if you switch to FileMaker from other app and backdrop is active.
- Normal drag handler scripts are no longer called in layout mode. We could also disable other script callings in that case if needed or make it an option.
- Improved SQL functions Unicode string handling. Now using UTF-8 for all strings.
- If trace is on, the webview callback prints the received status message to debug console.
- Updated to SQLAPI++ 4.0.1.
New in version 2.7 New in version 2.9
More details in the Release notes.