Release notes for version 7.2 - 15th May 2017
New functions in 7.2 and Announcement in blog.
- Added plugin for iOS SDK.
- Added email sending via email client on Windows (MAPI).
- Added CURL.ReceiveData, CURL.ReceiveText, CURL.SendData and CURL.SendText to send data over a CURL connected socket.
- Added Registry functions (Windows only of course).
- Added script step for MBS function calls which can be used in FileMaker 16 instead of Set Variable or Set Field.
- Added preferences dialog for macOS to toggle various options.
- Added ability to define your own evaluation based script steps.
- Added BringWindowToFront parameter to Twain.Acquire function.
- Added call # for Trace, so you can better see which result belongs to which call.
- Added check to make sure CheckConformance on DynaPDF is not asked to delete embedded files for ZUGFeRD invoices.
- Added constants for CURL for TLSv1.3 and HTTP/2.
- Added Container.GetText function.
- Added context menu for popup menus to copy title and list entries.
- Added CURL.UseSystemCertificates to use system certificates on macOS and Windows.
- Added developerExtrasEnabled and logsPageMessagesToSystemConsoleEnabled for WebView preferences.
- Added Dialog.GetButtonPressed function.
- Added DynaPDF.ChangeSeparationColor and DynaPDF.RenameSpotColor.
- Added DynaPDF.FileLink function.
- Added Events.RecurrenceRule.Description function.
- Added Files.SetCreationDate.
- Added Files.SetModificationDate.
- Added Folders.UserPictures.
- Added iOSDevice functions.
- Added local and remote notifications for iOS.
- Added more parameter for Text.EncodeToHTML to decide how to encode entities.
- Added new XL functions, e.g. for auto filter.
- Added NewInstance parameter for Files.LaunchFile and Files.Launch function.
- Added Notification.UnlistenAll.
- Added option for Barcode.Generate to allow white on black for barcodes.
- Added option to Dictionary.SetVariables for creating global variables.
- Added PDFKit.AddImageFilePage function.
- Added Plugin.FunctionCount function.
- Added possibility to specify field and tables by ID for FM.InsertRecord and similar functions.
- Added ProtocolPreference parameter to SSH.Connect and Socket.Connect to request IPv4 or IPv6.
- Added QuickList.AddMultiValue function.
- Added SyntaxColoring.GetMinCalcFontSize and SyntaxColoring.SetMinCalcFontSize to define minimum font size for calculation dialog.
- Added Text.WriteTextFile support for UTF-16 writing.
- Added ValueList type for Clipboard.SetFileMakerData and Clipboard.GetFileMakerData.
- Added Volume and Rate parameters to Text.Speak function.
- Added Window.ShowCharacterPalette.
- Added WindowsUserNotification functions.
- Added XL.Book.MoveSheet function.
- Added zip64 parameter to ZipFile.CreateFile function.
- Added Zoom Button for Script Workspace.
- Changed Audit, so that Extra fields can be numeric instead of just text.
- Changed CloseFile and CloseFileEx on DynaPDFMBS class to call EndPage if there is an open page.
- Changed CURL.GetResultAsContainer to use filename from Content-Disposition header.
- Changed FM.SQL.InsertRecordsToSQL to no longer quote by default.
- Changed how we write container and now include MAIN item to define which part is the main one.
- Changed license check for DynaPDF to allow text extraction in Lite version.
- Changed Notification script trigger to include parameters.
- Fixed a bug in AVRecorder.Init to work better if no video device is found.
- Fixed a bug with DynaPDF.InsertImageFile.
- Fixed a bug with GMImage.NewFromContainer where referenced image file would stay open.
- Fixed a problem with CURL AWS domain detection.
- Fixed an issue with using OS debugger with Xojo app and MBS registration.
- Fixed bug in Events.RecurrenceRule.NewWithFrequency.
- Fixed bug in Window.Activate.
- Fixed bug in WordFile.ReplaceTag with several tags in one line.
- Fixed bug with GMImage.DestroyAll.
- Fixed bug with missing variable check for FileMaker 16.
- Fixed bug with resizing ListDialog on Windows and made it more resolution aware.
- Fixed coordinates for WebView.Screenshot with multiple screens.
- Fixed crash in Audit.ClearCaches.
- Fixed crash in CURL.GetResultAsContainer when detecting file extension from mime type.
- Fixed issue with Audit when using extra fields with empty decimal value.
- Fixed problem in Text.EncodeToHTML where it did not ignore low ascii characters.
- Fixed SQL.InsertRecords to handle floating point numbers better.
- Fixed syntax coloring and variable checking for FileMaker 16.
- Fixed variable check to handle custom script steps like Set Variable.
- Implemented App.SetDockBadgeLabel and App.GetDockBadgeLabel for iOS.
- Improved AVRecorder so it sees more devices on Mac.
- Improved CURL progressbar handling, so you can see progress dialog while sending big email.
- Improved font handling with syntax coloring, so we can now have bold fonts there.
- Improved Speed for Audit by on demand querying field names from FileMaker.
- Improved thread handling with using thread local storage for per script values like error state.
- Reduced memory usage for PDFKit.AddImageFilePage and PDFKit.AddImagePage.
- Removed for 64-bit the limits on how many connections/images/etc. you can make.
- Rewrote Audit Field Type cache to be more reliable.
- Updated LibXL to version 3.8.0.
- Updated most WebView functions to work on iOS.
- Updated OpenSSL to 1.1.0e and 1.0.2k
- Updated SQLAPI to version 4.1.11.
- Updated SQLite to 3.18.0.
- Updated to DynaPDF
- Updated to Xcode 8.3.2
- Using a function not supported on current platform on another platform will now consistently give error about not supported functions.
New in version 7.1 New in version 7.3
More details in the Release notes and Announcement in blog.