Release notes for version 13.3 - 18th July 2023
New functions in 13.3 and Announcement in blog.
- Added Preview functions to add a simple PDF file viewer for Windows and macOS on a layout.
- Added auto completion for custom function dialog, but you need to press Function-F5 to trigger it.
- Added DynaPDF.AddDPartNode, DynaPDF.CreateDPartRoot, DynaPDF.DeleteWatermark, DynaPDF.GetLastTextOffset, DynaPDF.HaveDPartRoot, DynaPDF.MarkTemplateAsWatermark and DynaPDF.OpenTagEx functions.
- Added DynaPDF.AddFieldToFormAction, DynaPDF.CreateResetAction and DynaPDF.CreateSubmitAction functions.
- Added DynaPDF.CreateAnnotAP function.
- Added Files.DeleteLater function.
- Added GMImage.Describe function.
- Added JSON.FilterObjectArray function.
- Added JSON.GetArrayItemsAsQuickList and QuickList.JoinJSON functions.
- Added Matrix.HTML function.
- Added new flag to XL.Book.GetText and XL.Sheet.GetText to return texts as rich text.
- Added OCR.GetTextAsJSON function.
- Added password parameter to WebHook.SetSSL function.
- Added Schedule.GetEnabled and Schedule.SetEnabled functions to temporarily pause all schedules.
- Added SystemInfo.isSonoma function.
- Added Text.ConcatWithDelimiter function.
- Added translation in German, Dutch, Italian, French, Swedish, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese and Korean for preferences dialog on macOS and various FileMaker enhancements. Please let us know if you see a typo or wrong translation.
- Added XL.Sheet.CellWriteMatrix function.
- Added XL.Sheet.SetColPx and XL.Sheet.SetRowPx functions.
- Changed Audit functions to return SQL errors from Insert, so you may debug when something goes wrong.
- Changed DynaPDF.Initialize to ignore calls with old license key, if a valid key was set before.
- Changed DynaPDF.StampAnnot to have the last 3 parameters optional.
- Changed ListDialog functions to allow cancel button to be hidden if it has empty label.
- Changed ListDialog functions to have select button enabled on macOS if no selection is made, but empty selection is allowed (same as on Windows).
- Changed reason parameter in ProcessActivity.beginActivity function to be optional.
- Deprecated CGPSConverter.Convert function.
- Deprecated WindowTransition functions.
- Extended our search for links in the script workspace to also cover links in text of calculations.
- Fixed a crash in script workspace for next FileMaker version.
- Fixed a crash with SQL.SetParamAsNumber when parsing a string.
- Fixed a memory leak with reusing shell on macOS to run multiple commands.
- Fixed a possible bug in XML.SubTree function when XML is empty.
- Fixed a problem with colorspace warning printed on console due to a change in NSColor handling by macOS.
- Fixed a problem with Text.ReadTextFile reporting an error for zero byte files.
- Fixed an issue on Linux with encoding text in native encoding.
- Fixed an issue with SystemInfo.ADSystemInfo function reporting an error about not having initialized COM.
- Fixed an issue with variable length keys in Encryption.Cipher function.
- Fixed CURL.GetResultAsContainer function to prefer the download name over the given fallback name.
- Fixed Events.RequestAccessToEntityType to return "Wait" not as error. And to wait up to 10 seconds for dialog response.
- Fixed Files.AudioTags function for macARM target.
- Fixed FM.ScriptNames for database file with dots inside.
- Fixed problem with ProcessActivity.beginActivity not working well on Windows.
- Fixed variable check, which broken in tuning in v13.2.
- Fixed WebView.GetSourceData to return empty result if no data is available.
- Improved if/loop highlights for transaction blocks when using Czech, Turkish or Polish localization.
- Improved JSON.Text function to output less commas.
- Improved showing script IDs when you have two files with same name open.
- Our plugin now requires glibc 2.25 for openssl on Linux (from 2017)
- Relaxed seats usage count checks a bit to complain less for being over the limit for a short time.
- Removed PHP functions.
- Rewrote Files.LaunchFile function for macOS to use newer API.
- The plugin now prints a message on server to state whether license is loaded with expiration date for maintenance.
- Updated CURL library to version 8.1.2.
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Updated LibSSH to version 1.11.0.
- Updated LibXL to version 4.2.
- Updated MongoDB-c library to version 1.23.4.
- Updated openssl library to version 3.1.1.
- Updated plugin to support next FileMaker version.
- Updated SQLite to version 3.42.0.
New in version 13.2 New in version 13.4
More details in the Release notes and Announcement in blog.