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Function Reference
Page 407 of 860
SI32 pdfGetErrorMode(
const PPDF* IPDF) // Instance pointer
typedef SI32 TErrMode;
#define emIgnoreAll
0x00000000 // default
#define emSyntaxError
#define emValueError
#define emWarning
#define emFileError
#define emFontError
#define emAllErrors
#define emNoFuncNames
0x10000000 // Do not output function names
// Special flags for CheckConformance().
// These flags add info messages to the error log. The error callback function is not invoked.
#define emLogFonts
0x00010000 // If set, CheckConformance() logs which fonts were replaced
// with system fonts or converted to Type3.
#define emLogFontsVerbose 0x00020000 // If set, the path to the font file is added to the message too
The function returns the current error mode. The return value is a bit mask, to check whether a
specific flag is set use a bitwise and operator.
The special flag emNoFuncNames names can be used to avoid the output of the function name in
error messages. Error messages start normally always with the function name in which the error
occurred. While this information is useful during development, it is often not useful in an end user
The meaning of the error mode flags is described in detail at Customized Exception handling.
GetField (obsolete)
LBOOL pdfGetField(
const PPDF* IPDF,
// Instance pointer
UI32 AHandle,
// Field handle
struct TPDFField* Field) // see below
struct TPDFField
SI32 FieldType;
// Field type (see TFieldType)
LBOOL Deleted;
// If true, the field was deleted
struct TPDFRect BBox; // Bounding box
SI32 Handle;
// Field handle
char* FieldName;
// Field name
UI32 FieldNameLen;
// Field name length in characters
UI32 BackCS;
// Color space of background / border color
UI32 TextCS;
// Color space of text color
UI32 BackColor;
// Background color
UI32 BorderColor;
// Border color
UI32 TextColor;
// Text color
LBOOL Checked;
// Only set if the field is a check box
SI32 Parent;
// Parent field handle if any
UI32 KidCount;
// Greater zero if the field has childs
char* Font;
// Used font by the field (PostScript name)
double FontSize;
// Font size
void* Value;
// Field value (char* or UI16*)
// If True, Value is a Unicode string
UI32 ValLen;
// String length in characters
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Next topic: GetFieldBackColor, GetFieldBorderColor, GetFieldBorderStyle