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Function Reference
Page 366 of 860
SI32 pdfFindField(
const PPDF* IPDF, // Instance pointer
const char* Name) // Fully qualified field name
This function searches for an interactive form field by using the fully qualified field name. The fully
qualified field name is constructed from the partial field name of the field and all of its ancestors.
For a field with no parent group field, the partial and fully qualified names are the same. For a field
that is the child of another field, the fully qualified name is formed by appending the child field’s
partial name to the parent’s fully qualified name, separated by a period, e.g.
Field names are case-sensitive; the name must be specified exactly. This function is available in an
Ansi and Unicode compatible version. Both versions do not depend on the string format in which
the field name is defined, e.g. Unicode or Ansi string.
Return values:
If the function succeeds the return value is the field handle, a value greater or equal zero. If the
function fails the return value is a negative error code, a value smaller -1, or -1 if the field cannot be
SI32 pdfFindLinkAnnot(
const PPDF* IPDF, // Instance pointer
const char* URL)
// URL or file path
This function searches for a file link or web link annotation. The parameter URL must be the URL of
a web link annotation or the file path of a file link annotation, exactly defined in a case sensitive
Return values:
If the annotation can be found the return value is the annotation handle, a value greater or equal
zero. If the function fails the return value is a negative error code.
Previous topic: FindBookmark, FindEmbeddedFile
Next topic: FindNextBookmark, FinishSignature, FlattenAnnotOrField