DynaPDF Manual - Page 336
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Function Reference
Page 336 of 860
SI32 pdfDeleteBookmark(
const PPDF* IPDF, // Instance pointer
UI32 ABmk)
// Bookmark handle
This function deletes a bookmark. The parameter ABmk must be a valid bookmark handle. Please
note that this function invalidates all bookmark handles which are numerically greater than ABmk.
DynaPDF supports several functions to find or enumerate bookmarks. It is safe to delete a
bookmark within a search run. See the following functions for further information:
• GetBookmarkCount()
• GetBookmark()
• FindBookmark(), FindNextBookmark()
Return values:
If the function succeeds the return value is the remaining number of bookmarks. If the function fails
the return value is a negative error code.
LBOOL pdfDeleteDPartNode(
const PPDF* IPDF, // Instance pointer
SI32 Handle)
// DPart node handle or -1
The deletes a dpart node or the entire dpart structure if Handle was set to -1. DPart stands for
Document Parts, a feature of PDF/VT. If the dpart node contains children then all child nodes will be
deleted too.
Return values:
If the function succeeds the return value is 1. If the function fails the return value is 0.
LBOOL pdfDeleteEmbeddedFile(
const PPDF* IPDF, // Instance pointer
UI32 Handle)
// Embedded file handle or array index.
The function deletes an embedded file. The parameter Handle must be a valid embedded file handle.
Such a handle is a simple array index. GetEmbeddedFileCount() returns the remaining number of
embedded files. If all embedded files should be deleted then delete the files from top to bottom by
decrementing the loop variable. This is faster because it is not required to reorganize the array in
which the files are stored in this case. All handles above the deleted file index become invalid after
the file was deleted.
Previous topic: DeleteAnnotationFromPage, DeleteAppEvents
Next topic: DeleteField, DeleteFieldEx