DynaPDF Manual - Page 733
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Function Reference
Page 733 of 860
The function changes the border style of a specific Interactive Form field. The parameter AField must
be a valid field handle.
It is not possible to change the border style of imported button fields. The global border style which
is used for newly created fields can be set with the function SetBorderStyle().
Return values:
If the function succeeds the return value is 1. If the function fails the return value is 0.
LBOOL pdfSetFieldBorderWidth(
const PPDF* IPDF, // Instance pointer
UI32 AField,
// Field handle
double LineWidth) // Line width of the border
This function can be used to change the border width of a field. The parameter AField must be a
valid field handle. The parameter LineWidth must not be negative and it should either be 0, 1, 2, or 3
units (no border, thin, medium, or thick). Note that Adobe's Acrobat supports only these values. It is
possible to draw a field with any border width, but if the field is repainted due to a reset action or
due to other changes, the field appearance will be changed in Adobe's Acrobat and the border width
is adjusted to the nearest supported value.
Return values:
If the function succeeds the return value is 1. If the function fails the return value is 0.
LBOOL pdfSetFieldCalcOrder(
const PPDF* IPDF, // Instance pointer
SI32 CurrIndex,
// Current calc order index
UI32 NewIndex)
// New calc order index
The function moves a field in the global calc order array. This is the order in which field values will
be recalculated when the value of any field changes.
The current calc order can be accessed with GetFieldCalcOrder(). The calc order array contains field
handles. A field handle is a simple array index.
// Assume the current calc order array looks as follows:
calcOrder[0] = 5;
calcOrder[1] = 9;
calcOrder[2] = 45;
Previous topic: SetFieldBBox, SetFieldBorderColor, SetFieldBorderStyle
Next topic: SetFieldColor