DynaPDF Manual - Page 520
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Function Reference
Page 520 of 860
double pdfGetTemplHeight(
const PPDF* IPDF, // Instance pointer
SI32 Handle)
// Template handle
The function returns the height of a template. The parameter Handle must be a valid template
Return values:
If the function succeeds the return value is the height of the template. If the function fails the return
value is a negative error code.
double pdfGetTemplWidth(
const PPDF* IPDF, // Instance pointer
SI32 Handle)
// Template handle
The function returns the width of a template. The parameter Handle must be a valid template
Return values:
If the function succeeds the return value is the width of the template. If the function fails the return
value is a negative error code.
LBOOL pdfGetTextBBox(
const PPDF* IPDF,
// Instance pointer
const char* Text,
// Text string
UI32 Len,
// Text length in characters
struct TBBox* BBox) // Out -> The computed bounding box
The function calculates the exact bounding box of a text string. The bounding box is computed from
the outline of every glyph. However, the function does not consider the current text draw mode or
bold or italic font style emulation.
This function is implemented in an Ansi and Unicode compatible version. Complex text layout is
Return values:
If the function succeeds the return value is 1. If the function fails the return value is 0.
Previous topic: GetTabLen, GetTemplCount, GetTemplHandle
Next topic: GetTextDrawMode, GetTextFieldValue, GetTextRect