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Function Reference
Page 513 of 860
LBOOL pdfGetPtDataObj(
const IPTD* PtData, // Pointer of Point Data dictionary
char** Subtype,
// Out -> Should be Cloud
UI32* NumArrays)
// Out -> Number of point data arrays
The function returns the main properties of a Point Data dictionary. A point data dictionary contains
one or more point data arrays. The point data arrays can be accessed with GetPtDataArray().
Return values:
If the function succeeds the return value is 1. If the function fails the return value is 0.
LBOOL pdfGetRelFileNode(
const IRFN* IRF,
// Instance pointer
struct TPDFRelFileNode* F, // see below
LBOOL Decompress)
// Decompress the embedded file?
struct TPDFRelFileNode
StructSize; // Must be set to sizeof(TPDFRelFileNode).
const char*
// Name of this file spcification.
const UI16*
// Either the Ansi or Unicode name is set.
struct TPDFFileSpec EF;
// Embedded file.
// Next node if any.
The function retrieves the properties of a related files node. An embedded file can contain a related
files array that contains additional files related to the base file. For example, the base file could be a
composite image, and the related files array could contain the separations for every color channel.
Related files are stored in as a single linked list. The member NextNode contains a pointer to the next
file, if any. The member StructSize must be set to sizeof(TPDFRelFileNode) before the function can
be called.
The structure TPDFFileSpec is described in detail at GetEmbeddedFile().
Return values:
If the function succeeds the return value is 1. If the function fails the return value is 0.

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