DynaPDF Manual - Page 494

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Function Reference
Page 494 of 860
The function returns the most important properties of a field. This function is marked as obsolete,
please use GetPageFieldEx() instead. The parameter Index must be a valid index to the page's field
array. To enumerate the fields of a page execute the function in a loop from 0 to
GetPageFieldCount() - 1.
See also GetField().
Return values:
If the function succeeds the return value 1 and the structure Field is filled with values. If the function
fails the return value is 0.
SI32 pdfGetPageFieldCount(
const PPDF* IPDF) // Instance pointer
The function returns the number of fields used by a page. The page must be opened beforehand
with the function EditPage().
Return values:
If the function succeeds the return value is number of fields used by the page. If the function fails
the return value is a negative error code.
LBOOL pdfGetPageFieldEx(
const PPDF* IPDF,
// Instance pointer
UI32 Index,
// Field index
struct TPDFFieldEx* Field) // Structure to be filled
#define PDF_ANNOT_INDEX 0x40000000 // Special flag to indicate that an
// annotation index was passed to the
// function.
The function returns the most important properties of a field.
The internal organization of fields and annotations were changed in DynaPDF 3.0. Prior
versions stored fields and annotations in separate arrays so that the parameter Index refered
directly into the field array. Due to new features in PDF and to preserve the z-order of
overlapping fields and annotations, fields and annotations are now stored in the same array
because forms fields are in fact Widget annotations.
To achieve optimal processing speed the fields of a page should now be enumerated as follows:
SI32 i, count;

Previous topic: GetPageCoords, GetPageCount, GetPageField (obsolete)

Next topic: GetPageHeight